Maya Azrad, Dafna Vazana, Avi On, Maya Paritski, Hanan Rohana, Halim Roshrosh, Keren Agay-Shay, Avi Peretz: Antibiotic resistance patterns of Helicobacter pylori in North Israel - A six-year study (Helicobacter .)

stomach free

One main challenge in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) eradication is its increasing antibiotic resistance. Additionally, resistance rates vary between geographic areas and periods. However, data are limited since susceptibility testing is not routinely performed. Thus, it is valuable to gather data regarding H. pylori's resistance rates in Israel that would aid in better adjustment of treatment.The study included 540 H. pylori isolates, recovered from gastric biopsy samples of patients who had undergone endoscopy, during 2015-2020, at the Padeh Poriya Medical Center. 

תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/04/2023