Faculty News

  • award

    BIU Outstanding Teacher Award Ceremony


    A ceremony was held today on the Bar-Ilan Ramat Gan campus, honoring recipients of the Vice Rector's Outstanding Teacher Award for the 2021-22 academic year.

    Congratulations to Prof. Meital Gal-Tanami, Dr. Fadi Hassan, and Dr. Zaid abu Zaid of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.

  • Prof. Masad Barhoum

    Congratulations to Prof. Masad Barhoum (Lifetime Achievement Award)


    Congratulations to Prof. Masad Barhoum, General Director of the Galilee Medical Center, upon his receipt of the Movement for Quality Government in Israel Lifetime Achievement Award.

    The Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Karl Skorecki: "The Faculty of Medicine and Bar-Ilan University are proud that a person with your stature stands at the head of one of the medical institutions working in close and mutual connection with the Faculty, as partners in education training the future generation of physicians in the State of Israel."

  • Shehadeh

    Launch of SPHERE Pre-Diabetes Program


    Diabetes, as well as pre-diabetes, is growing worldwide; every year, 6-8% of people with pre-diabetes develop diabetes and in the periphery, the situation is particularly serious and intervention is crucial. The Russell Berry Galilee Diabetes SPHERE Initiative is determined to make a positive change.

    On May 10, 2002, SPHERE, in collaboration with Clalit Health Services, Maccabi Health Services, and the Nazareth and Nof Hagalil Municipalities, launched an important project in  Nazareth to treat pre-diabetics and in so doing, fight the transition from pre-diabetes to the full-blown disease.

    Clinical staff including some 50 family doctors, nurses, dietitians and social workers from Maccabi and Clalit - those at the forefront in the battle against diabetes - convened to learn about this intervention program that aims to reduce the transition from diabetes to diabetes by 50% via online measures and promoting healthy lifestyle changes.

    The professionals will receive support and advice from an endocrinologist regarding pre-diabetes and obesity and a clinical pharmacist who will advise and accompany the course of treatment. Patients who will be eligible to join the program will receive an individualized and customized treatment package by a multi-professional team that includes a diabetes counselor, nurse, dietitian, and exercise counselor.

    Prof. Naim Shehadeh, Director of SPHERE explains: "In order to reduce the number of diabetics, pre-diabetes is the most important risk group that we have chosen to focus on as a first intervention step by changing lifestyle and adding simple and inexpensive medications."

    This important launch was also attended by Dr. Sivan Spitzer, Deputy Director of SPHERE; Dr. Rizan Sakhnini, Deputy director and district Pediatrician, Maccabi HealthCare, Northern District; and Dr. Yousef Awni, Deputy Director Northern Region and Director of Nazareth Towers, Clalit Health Services.

    Visit the SPHERE Facebook page here.


  • Memorial Day

    Student Union Leads Faculty Ceremony for Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts)


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine today commemorated the Israeli Memorial Day for Israel's Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Hostile Acts. Yom Hazikaron falls this year on May 4, 2022.

    The Faculty Student Union prepared a moving ceremony that was held in the Esther & Haim Carasso Auditorium, as well as broadcast via Zoom.

    After reciting the "Yizkor" and "El Maleh Rahamim" prayers, students presented short biographies of soldiers who had fallen:

    סמ"ר ליאל גדעוני ז"ל

    סמ"ר ראובן מגן ז"ל

    סגן הילה בצלאל ז"ל

    סגן משנה בר רהב ז"ל

    סמ"ר טוביה ינאי ויסמן ז"ל

    רב סמל מתקדם יוסף (יוסי) קירמה ז"ל

    סמ"ר יקיר שושי ז"ל

    The ceremony included short musical interludes by students as well as the reading of written pieces by known authors Natan Yonatan, Avraham Halfi, and Nathan Alterman.

    The Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki, shared a few thoughtful words, and the ceremony concluded with the singing of the national anthem, HaTikvah.

    יהי זכרם ברוך may their memories be for a blessing.

    Memorial Day

  • Freddy Zinger and Karl Skorecki

    Teddy Bear Hospital Returns for Tenth Year to Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Teddy Bear Hospital was back live, this year, celebrating its 10th anniversary.

    Last year, due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine annual Teddy Bear Hospital took place via Zoom but this year, on May 2, 2022, approximately 500 children from Safed and the Galilee visited the campus with their teddy bears and stuffed animals to learn about medical treatments and intervention in a fun, relaxed environment.

    With thanks to the dedicated and active support of Freddy Zinger, the festive event this year included not only ER, imaging, surgery, cardiology, neurology, orthopedic, ENT, ophthalmology, lab, family medicine, dentistry, healthy living, vaccination, and pharmaceutical stations for the children, their dolls and parents - but also the opportunity to explore an ambulance and police car. In addition, a BeTerem booth was set up, to teach parents about child safety.

    The "doctors" stationed at the "departments" were current Azrieli medical students, organized by medical student Amit Gabbay.

    Pictured above, Freddy Zinger and the Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki.

    Jewish News Syndicate (JNS) coverage here.

    A few additional photos of the fun and educational day follow and can be seen here (photo credit Dror Miller):

    Teddy Bear Hospital

    Teddy Bear Hospital


    Teddy Bear Hospital


    Teddy Bear Hospital


    students at Teddy Bear Hospital 2022


  • Palacky visit

    Azrieli Delegation to Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic


    A delegation of researchers and physician-scientists from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, Prof. Orly Avni, Dr. Meir Shamay, Prof. Lior Lewenstein [Galilee Medical Center] and Dr. Khalaf Kridin [Baruch Padeh  Medical Center in Poria], led by Prof. Tzippi Falik-Zaccai the Vice Dean for biomedical research) were invited by Prof. Martin Procházka, the Rector of Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic for a series of lectures and meetings with the goal of promoting mutual academic collaboration.

    The delegation visited the Czech Republic on April 24-27, 2022, accompanied by Ofer Dahan, Director of the BIU international School, and Dr. Dorith Raviv Shay, coordinator of international affair at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.

    The group visited the Faculty of Medicine at UPOL and CATRIN, the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute. Meetings were held with Prof. Milan Raska, Vice-Dean for Foreign Relations and General Medicine; Jiří Stavovčík, Vice Rector for Internationalization; Dr. Dalibor Mikulas, Head of the Department of Internationalization.

    Potential projects for submission to EU grants were discussed, clinical knowledge was shared, and the ground was set for future collaboration.

    Pictured above (L to R): Dr. Dalibor Milkulas, Dr. Meir Shamay, Dr. Lior Lewenstein, Mrs. Eva Kalusova, Jiří Stavovčík, Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, Dr. Khalaf Kridin, Prof. Martin Prochzka, Ofer Dahan, Prof. Tzippi Falik-Zaccai, Prof. Orly Avni, Dr. Dorith Raviv-Shay

  • Yom Hashoa

    Student Union Leads Faculty Ceremony for Holocaust Remembrance Day


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Student Union prepared a thought-provoking ceremony in honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 28, 2022. The ceremony was dedicated to medical professionals during the Holocaust. Six memorial candles were lit to honor Dr. Mark Dvorzhetski, Dr. Israel Milejkowski, Dr. Anna Braude Heller, the clandestine medical school in the Warsaw Ghetto, the Jewish students who defied the prohibition and learned medicine during the Holocaust, and Professor Witold Orlowski.

    In addition, the Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki spoke and there was a moving vocal and guitar musical interlude by students.

    The event concluded with the singing of HaTikva. 


  • Ministry of the Periphery at Azrieli

    Ministers for the Development of the Periphery Convene at Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    Ministers from the Ministry for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee, headed by Minister Oded Forer, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Minister for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee convened on April 25, 2022 at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine to promote a special program to strengthen the health sector of the Negev and Galilee. The Cabinet approved a multi-year plan (2022-2026) designed to improve the quality of public health services provided to residents of the Negev and Galilee via dedicated programs in the fields of health, manpower and infrastructure.

    They discussed the key role played by the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in promoting the program. Tens of millions of shekels will be invested in increasing the number of physicians in the Galilee, the number of medical and nursing students from the Negev and Galilee localities, and strengthening the hospitals by supporting advanced medical equipment and promoting research in hospitals affiliated with the Faculty.

    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine welcomes and promotes this initiative, accompanying its ongoing efforts to promote health services in the Galilee.

    קבינט 2


  • Noga Ganor

    Holiday l'Chaim and Farewell to Noga Ganor


    Just before the Passover break, students and faculty from the the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine convened on April 11, 2022 at the campus main entrance lobby to toast to the seasonal holidays - Passover, Easter, Ramadan - and at the same time, thank Noga Ganor for her years of dedication and very professional work at the Faculty.

    After opening remarks by the Administrative Head, Noam David Reshelbach, the Campus Rabbi, Rav Shlomo Shefer, who joined from the main Ramat Gan campus, gave a short dvar torah about the Haggadah. And of course, the Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki, shared kind words via Zoom.

    Noga Ganor, who was responsible for marketing, PR, and community relations since the inception of the Faculty, spoke warmly about her years at the Faculty. We all wish her the best, and thank her for her years of active involvement in the growth and development of the Faculty.

    Rav Shefer




  • Anna Sherman

    Event Honoring Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Students


    In honor of the hard-working and dedicated students, a fun evening of food, comedy, and socializing took place at the Hatzor HaGlilit Cultural Center on April 3, 2022.

    Sponsored by the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Anna Sherman, the head of the student union, opened up the evening with a few words then invited Prof. Eric Shinwelll, Associate Dean of Medical Education, to welcome the students. The highlight of the evening (other than the food!) was a stand-up performance by Ori Hizkiah.

    Asrag event Shinwell to right

  • retreat

    Faculty Retreat to Discuss Strategic Planning


    Where does the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine see itself in five and twenty five years?

    This was the topic of discussion at a daylong retreat, attended by academic as well as administrative staff on March 31, 2022.

    At the inspirational setting off the Kinneret Lake, at the Ginosar Kibbutz Hotel, some hundred faculty members met to discuss the future mission, educational and teaching tracks, research plans, academic and professional affiliations, and Galilee development of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.

    After a morning of background lectures* summing up two years of hard work - and a gender equality workshop led by Prof. Rivka Tuval-Mashiah of the Department of Psychology, introduced by Prof. Orna Sasson-Levy, Bar-Ilan Presidential Advisor for Gender Equity - four round-table groups brainstormed about the topics that were presented earlier that morning.

    Summaries were prepared the following day by select Faculty who remained.

    A few pictures of the day can be seen here.


    * Given by Prof. Karl Skorecki (Dean of the Faculty), Prof. Itay Onn, Dr. Keren Agay-Shay, Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, Prof. Chaim Putterman, Prof. Johnny Younis, Prof. Orly Avni.

  • יום גיבוש

    Azrieli Administrative Staff Bond During "Yom Gibush"


    At long last, despite inclement weather, the administrative staff of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine left for a day excursion on March 24, 2022 for some fun and bonding. The previously planned Staff Day had been cancelled due to Covid-19 limitations at the time.

    After departing by chartered bus from the Faculty campus in Safed, the group's first stop was at the escape room "Quest Room" in Haifa where a rich breakfast spread greeted them. Afterwards, the group broke up into teams for the escape rooms. Yes, everyone found there way out - with smiles on their faces!

    The next stop was the Tishbi Winery in Binyamina near Zichron Yaakov where lunch was served, to be followed by an informative and very fun wine and chocolate tasting session.

    With thanks to all those involved in the planning (including the gifts!), we look forward to next year's Staff Day.

    A few pictures of the fun and bonding can be seen here.

  • Azrieli Purim volunteers at Ziv

    Spreading Purim Joy to Ziv Medical Center


    The Jewish holiday of Purim was celebrated on Thursday March 24, 2022 (in Jerusalem, on March 25).

    One of the activities of the day includes "Mishloah Manot" - giving fun food packages to one another.

    In an attempt to make sure that no one was left out, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine sent delegates to the Ziv Medical Center in Safed to distribute Mishlohei Manot to children and other hospitalized patients (Bar-Ilan University main campus Ramat Gan staff distributed similar packages at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan).

    More pictures can be seen at the Ziv Facebook page here.

  • emek award recipients

    Outstanding Intern Award


    Congratulations to two graduates of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine upon receipt of certificates of excellence on February 27, 2022 from the Emek Medical Center in Afula where they are doing their internship. Of five recipients, two are Azrieli graduates:

    Dr. Orel Levy - who will be specializing in dermatology at Emek

    Dr. Nadav Bandel - who will be specializing in orthopedic surgery at Emek

    You make us proud!


  • shai bel at galileum

    Medical Cadets Present Their Final Research Projects at Galileum Conference (2022)


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was excited to host, in person, the 8th annual Galileum high school science and technology research final project conference. The Medical Cadet project, a prestigious three-year program for high school students in the Galilee, includes lectures, seminars, excursions, and ultimately, preparation of a final research paper under the supervision of an Azrieli Faculty of Medicine researcher. The highly regarded program counts towards the Bagrut matriculation for the students.

    Dr. Shai Bel of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, pictured above, was guest lecturer.

    This year, 33 students submitted research projects in the fields of medicine, agriculture, the environment, biology, microbiology, physics, genetics, and more. Four of the twelve prize winners at the March 10, 2022 conference and ceremony were supervised by Azrieli researchers:

    נועה ויקסמן, מקיף אנה פרנק סאסא, חוקרת מלווה שולמית בן עוליאל
    רננה פרץ, אולפנת אמי״ת צפת, חוקרת מלווה ד"ר שירה פרץ
    גאזל עאמר, מקיף שש-שנתי עתיד פקיעין חוקרת מלווה ד"ר מיכל ורבנר
    נעמה שרה לוי, אולפנת בני עקיבא מירון, חוקרת מלווה שולמית בן עוליאל 

    Below are some pictures from the evening (sponsorship at the bottom).


    גליליום 2022

    גליליום 2022




    גליליום 2022



    גליליום 2022





    גליליום 2022



    Galileum sponsors