Hanuka Celebration with Local Bnei Menashe Families

The "social action" team comprised of representatives from the administrative and academic staffs at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine organized a festive candle lighting for the Bnei Menashe community living in Safed. About twenty families arrived with their children at the Faculty on the evening of December 20, 2022, the third night of Hanukkah. The children had fun playing in the dark outside with flashlights and dreidls. Dr. Kobi Maman, faculty representative, said a few words. Sunil Pashkar, a PhD student from India who introduced the Faculty in Hindi, and Shimshon, the head of the community, welcomed the participants. Community members sang traditional songs accompanied by guitar, while our international students from India bridged the language gap. And yes, of course there were sufganiot (donuts)! We looking forward to more community engagement events in the future.
Last Updated Date : 25/12/2022