Faculty News

  • Nomy Dickman

    Certificates of Appreciation Awarded to Galilee Medical Center Instructors


    From the Galilee Medical Center (GMC) Facebook page:

    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine held a ceremony at the Galilee Medical Center on May 22, 2023 to present certificates of appreciation to 41 medical center instructors who teach at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, as well as to three outstanding departments — the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Internal Medicine B, and Obstetrics and Gynecology.

    Representing the Faculty of Medicine were Prof. Orly Avni, incoming Dean of the Faculty; Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean for Medical Education; and Dr. Nomy Dickman, head of the unit for Development and Evaluation of Education.

    Prof. Masad Barhoum, Director General of Galilee Medical Center, congratulated the recipients and Prof. Avni thanked the medical center and Prof. Barhoum, while praising the important cooperation between the institutions. Dr. Dunia Hasan spoke on behalf of all of the award recipients.

    After the congratulatory words, the teachers went up one by one to the auditorium stage and received their certificates of excellence.

    A moving moment was when Hila Kuperman, received a certificate of excellence on behalf of her late husband, Prof. Amir Kuperman.






  • MSc ceremony

    Conferment Ceremony - MSc in BioMedical Sciences


    We were pleased on May 18, 2023 to open the graduation season with the commencement exercises of the seventh MSc class, a ceremony that symbolizes the culmination of an important period as student scientists and researchers, and the start of a new direction.

    After the opening of the ceremony by Ms. Hadas Hasidim, the Faculty management and academic staff marched down the isle, headed by Prof. Chaim Putterman, Acting Dean; Prof. Orly Avni, incoming Dean; Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, Chair of the Graduate Degree committee; and Prof. Michael Blank, chair of the Graduate Degree Teaching Committee.

    After a welcome by Prof. Avni and Prof. Gal-Tanamy, Shiri Golan was invited to sing "Smiles" (originally performed by Chava Alberstein, lyrics by Leah Naor, music by Angel Cabral).

    Following, Dr. Nir Qvit, an Azrieli Faculty of Medicine researcher, offered a short scientific lecture in his field.

    First to receive their diplomas were the students who graduated with honors (names in Hebrew):

    • טל טליה אביטן, בהנחיית: פרופ' אורלי אבני
    • סאמר איוב, בהנחיית: פרופ' מיטל גל תנעמי
    • שירה בן סימון, בהנחיית דר' שי בל
    • למא ביבאר, בהנחיית פרופ' חיים פוטרמן ודר' אנדריי בראשטר
    • גילת שמעון, בהנחיית דר' רונית אילוז

    Then, by research group (also in Hebrew):

    • בהנחיית דר' רונית אילוז: אסחאר מסרי איסמאעיל, מוחמד אבוריא (בהיעדרו)
    •  בהנחיית דר' קובי ממן: רוז גבארה, רואן פוקרא 
    • בהנחיית דר' רון פירן: נרמין גנאים
    • בהנחיית דר' חוה גיל חן: מיכל גנדלר שקולניק, עדן פוצ'טר, דאניה נסאר
    • בהנחיית פרופ' איתי און: חנאן זבידאת
    • בהנחיית דר' ניר קוויט: נורה סיידה, רינווה סכראן, שמואל סילניצקי (בהיעדרו)
    • בהנחיית פרופ' פריד נחול: רנין סעד, סאברין שחאדיה
    •  בהנחיית פרופ' מאיר שמאי: יקין קזל, סאמיה שוגן 
    • בהנחיית פרופ' עמרי קורן (אשר נבצר ממנו להגיע): אלונה ריומין, מיכל גרינברג (בהיעדרה)
    • בהנחיית פרופ' חיים פוטרמן ודר' אנדריי בראשטר (בהיעדרו): אבלין גליק סוסאן (בהיעדרה)
    • בהנחיית פרופ' משה דסאו: שגיא חמו בן מוחה (בהיעדרה)
    • בהנחיית פרופ' אבי פרץ: ליאן טנוס (בהיעדרה)
    • בהנחיית דר' דוד אנשל סייפרס: גיל רזמוביץ' (בהיעדרו)  

    The musician Shiri Golan was again invited to the stage, to perform the song "Ten Li" (lyrics by Yoram Tohar Lev, composed by Yigal Bashan) and after that, the  MSc graduate Shira Ben Simon, spoke. Shira completed her master's degree under the guidance of Dr. Shai Bel and is immediately continuing on for a PhD degree.

    Special thanks to Hadas Oren, Nurit Maor, Dan Hinenzon and his team, and Yehiel Dahan for their dedicated work in this ceremony year round.

    A few pictures here.



  • פרופ' אבי פרץ

    Certificate of Recognition to Prof. Avi Peretz for Education and Equality


    At a ceremony commemorating the 56th anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem held in the city of Afula on May 15, 2023, a certificate of recognition was awarded to Prof. Avi Peretz on behalf of the Department of Jewish Culture in the presence of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and Head of the Religious Education Administration at the Ministry of Education.

    The certificate was awarded to Prof. Peretz for his contribution to the field of health education promotion and promotion of equality in medicine for the benefit of the residents of the North.

    Well done Prof. Peretz!


  • Riga Delegation

    Azrieli Delegation Visits Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte


    Delegates from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and affiliate hospitals were honored to visit RSU-Red Cross Medical College of Stradina University on May 7-12, 2023.

    They were exposed to educational methods in the simulation room of the Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital & the Emergency Medical Aid Department and in addition, visited the new RSU Anatomy Museum. Meetings were held on a variety of topics such as medical education and orthopedics.

    The following lectures were given:

    • Dr. Nomy Dickman: Students as near peer teachers: future professional educators  
    • Prof. Alexander Lerner: Damage control and functional restoration after severe war trauma to limbs 
    • Dr. Muhammad. Mansur: General Approach To Trauma Patient   
    • Dr. Alejandro Roisentul: The humanitarian role of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - our experience in the Syrian civilian war 
    • Prof. Jean SoustielPenetrating wartime head injuries. The experience of the Syria civil war  
    • Dr. Dafna Willner: Airway management in trauma  

    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine looks forward to reciprocating in the very near future, thanks to Erasmus exchange program.

    Riga delegation

  • Michaelsen and Dickman

    Father of TBL Leads Workshop at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was honored to host the father of Team Based Learning (TBL), Prof. Larry K. Michaelsen, at a well-attended workshop on May 2, 2023 in Safed.

    Organized by Dr. Nomy Dickman, head of the unit for Development and Evaluation of Education, and Prof. Eric Shinwelll, Associate Dean Medical Education, several dozen researchers, clinical physicians, students, and even a high school teacher - from all over the country and of all ages and backgrounds - attended this hands-on workshop that described as well as demonstrated Team Based Learning.

    All enthusiastically participated, in teams!

    But pictures are worth a thousand words:








  • Zarka and Putterman

    Ziv Medical Center Instructors Receive Certificates of Appreciation


    "The promotion of excellence in teaching is an important constant at Ziv Medical Center and the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine. Excellence is defined as striving to do one's best under any given condition and at all times. Excellence is a way of life and a worldview. It can be seen in the manner in which one carries out tasks with dedication, investment, and the desire to achieve the best. The certificates of excellence awarded today are based on student feedback following this year's medical instruction."

    After Sharon Mines, Administrative Deputy to the Associate Dean of Medical Education, opened the April 30, 2023 ceremony with these words of introduction, the following speakers were invited to the podium at the Ziv Medical Center to express their thanks: 

    • Prof. Salman Zarka, Director of Ziv Medical Center
    • Prof. Chaim Putterman, Acting Dean
    • Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean, Medical Education
    • Dr. Nomy Dickman, Head of the Unit for Development and Evaluation of Education at the Faculty

    Shira Golan entertained the audience with a musical interlude.

    Joining in to personally hand out the certificates of appreciation individually, was Prof. Daniel Glikman, Vice Dean Clinical Studies.

    Prof. David Peleg shared a few words in the name of all the recipients.

    A few photos, courtesy of Ziv Medical Center spokesperson's office, can be seen here.

  • flag

    Yom HaZikaron Memorial Day Ceremony, April 24, 2023


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, along with Bar-Ilan University, commemorated both Israel Independence Day (April 26, 2023) as well as Yom HaZikaron - Memorial Day for the Fallen Soldiers of the Wars of Israel and Victims of Actions of Terrorism.

    The Faculty of Medicine held a student-led ceremony on April 24, 2023. 

    Acting Dean, Prof. Chaim Putterman, shared a few words, the traditional "Yizkor" and "El Maleh Rahamim" prayers were recited, a memorial candle was lit, and a few fallen soldiers were profiled - this year Major Roi Klein, First Sergeant Tuvia Yanai Weissman, First Sergeant Abraham (Avi) Greenzweig, Police Officer Amir Khoury.

    May their memories be for a blessing.

    The ceremony culminated in the singing of "HaTikvah."

  • טקס צפון

    Tzafon Medical Center Instructors Receive Certificates of Appreciation


    Doctors from Tzafon Medical Center received certificates of appreciation for excellence in teaching from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on April 19, 2023. Thirty one certificates of excellence were distributed at the ceremony to doctors, with five more certificates for outstanding departments, and two certificates for outstanding department chairpeople.

    The first to offer greetings was Acting Dean, Prof. Chaim Putterman who spoke about the importance of good teachers for our future doctors. He was followed by Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean for Medical Education who shared his personal story about why he chose pediatrics, inspired by another doctor. Dr. Nomy Dickman, head of the unit for Development and Evaluation of Education at the Faculty, spoke about the different models defining a good doctor and showed a video of graduates sharing what most influenced them during their studies. Finally, Prof. Erez Onn, director of Tzafon Medical Center spoke, sharing that among the doctors sitting in the hall and receiving the certificate, were some of his previous students.

    The doctors were then called one by one to the stage to receive the certificates and a gift from Tzafon Medical Center. 

    Photos from the ceremony can be seen here.


  • Yom HaShoah

    Student Union Yom HaShoah Ceremony Focuses on 80th Year Since Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - The Medical Uprising


    As in previous years, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Student Union organized and led a very moving ceremony to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    This year, the focus was on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising that took place eighty years ago, with a focus on the valiant attempts of medical personnel to help as best they could under the circumstances, in a most selfless manner. Medical students researched, prepared and presented their findings, incorporating written primary source testimonies. The presentation was most informative and enlightening.

    The presentation opened with the following declaration: "This year we chose to dedicate the ceremony to telling the story of the quiet albeit active resistance of the physicians in the ghetto. They stood true to their conscience and oath, all the while suffering themselves from exhaustion, starvation, and lack of medical supplies. They stood by their patients, smuggling supplies, performing operations and other procedures forbidden by the Nazis - while some could still have chosen to escape with their families. Most did not survive the atrocities of the Holocaust, yet some did, made Aliyah, and contributed to the founding of the Jewish State. We, the doctors of the future, see these doctors as our role models and would like to make their voices heard, and give them their due credit."

    The names of physicians of the time that were mentioned and quoted included  Dr. Mark Dvorzhetski, Dr. Israel Milejkowski, Dr. Anna Braude Heller, Professor Witold Orlowski, and Dr. Marek Balin.

    Special focus was placed on detailing a medical school that was established in a clandestine manner from May 11, 1941 - July 20, 1942, and included some 500 students of which approximately 50 survived. A special candle was lit in their memory.

    Research that was carried out at the time in the ghetto, primarily studying severe hunger, was also presented.

    Musical interludes led by the students as well as the son of a staff member, expressed the prevalent mood in the room.

    The ceremony, which opened with the 2-minute national siren at 10 AM on April 18, 2023, culminated with the singing of the national anthem, Hatikva.


    Yom HaShoah


    Yom HaShoah

  • teddy bear hospital

    We Made It Happen: 11th Teddy Bear Hospital a Success


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine 11th Teddy Bear Hospital community event was a success!

    Despite the broad-based national strikes that took place on the day, and potentially inclement weather, close to 700 children and their families visited the Faculty on March 27, 2023 to bring their loved teddy bears and dolls in for their annual check-ups and acute care needs.

    This year the children received personal stethoscopes upon registration, vitamins from Altman, and at the end of the activity, certificates of completion.

    The Teddy Bear Hospital is a highlight event of the Faculty, geared towards exposing young children to medical personnel and treatments in a very friendly, non-stressful environment - via their loved stuffed animals who "undergo" the check-ups and treatments. In addition, this community event teaches all participants about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Visitors had the opportunity to see what goes on behind the scenes at medical departments such as the emergency room, surgery, radiology, laboratory tests, orthopedics, ENT, ophthalmology, virtual reality, cardiology, dentistry, family medicine, and the pharmacy.

    Adding to the festive environment were magnet and Snapchat stands, medical clowns, as well as Kupat Holim Clalit, Beterem and Bishvil Hamishpacha (Family Trips) booths. Magen David Adom also participated, enabling the children to get a glimpse of the inside of an ambulance.

    In addition to the dedicated participation of some 100 medical students, 50 local medical high school "cadets," and of course, Azrieli Faculty of Medicine staff, the event was made possible thanks to the longstanding, active, and enthusiastic support of Freddy Zinger who said, "We are proud of this wonderful project. In the complex reality we are experiencing today, this is an island of sanity. Dedicated students and faculty share in this important work whose goal is simply to do good. We make many hundreds of parents and children happy every year. Some of the children of 10 years ago are parents today, and we are all proud of the hope and joy we bring to the children of the north."

    A few pictures can be seen below and here.

    kids at Teddy Bear Hospital

    Freddy Zinger and Acting Dean Prof. Chaim Putterman
    Freddy Zinger and Acting Dean Prof. Chaim Putterman
  • Conference Leaders

    Azrieli Faculty Takes Part in "Health in the Israeli Periphery" Conference


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine took place in the first conference dedicated to promoting public health in the periphery (south and north of the country). Organized by Ben Gurion University and Ziv Medical Center, the conference was held at the Ziv Medical Center on March 21, 2023 and focused on "what is same, different, and in common." In addition to Bar-Ilan, other sponsors included the Ministry of Health and the Safed Academic College.

    Pictured above (right to left), the steering committee: Prof. Nadav Davidovitch, Ayelet Greenbaum, Prof. Salman Zarka, Prof. Chaim Putterman, Prof. Aharon Kellerman



  • Jumanah and Putterman

    Outstanding Teacher Award


    As a gesture of gratitude, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine held a ceremony to award its outstanding teachers certificates of appreciation, on March 20, 2023.

    Sharon Mines, Administrative Deputy to the Associate Dean of Medical Education, invited Prof. Chaim Putterman, Acting Dean; Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean, Medical Education; and Dr. Nomy Dickman, Head of Unit, Evaluation and Advancement of Education, to the podium to say a few words.

    After a musical interlude by Yaniv Lifshits and Tzili Yanko, the certificates were handed out one by one by Faculty, hospital, and Kupat Holim representatives.

    Categories included excellent graduate degree lecturers; pre-clinical lecturers; mentors; courses; clinical teachers at Emek Medical Center in Afula, Carmel Hospital, EMMS (Scottish), Holy Family (Italian), French Hospitals in Nazareth; clinical teachers at Kupat Holim; pediatric, OB/GYN, and family medicine teachers in the community.

    Some pictures of the exciting evening can be seen here.

  • מלצקי יקירת הרי

    Dr. Lilach Malatskey Receives Israeli Medical Association "Yakir" Award


    Congratulations to Dr. Lilach Malatskey, Vice Dean Community Medical Education, upon receipt of The Israeli Medical Association "Yakir-Friend of the IMA" Award.

    The ceremony took place at the 44th IMA conference on March 15, 2023.

    A nice, short video profiling Dr. Malatskey can be seen here.



  • Psifas

    Inauguration Ceremony of Psifas (mosaic) Initiative at the President's House in Jerusalem


    The national initiative for personalized medicine, Psifas (lit. "Mosaic"), was launched in Jerusalem on Shushan Purim (March 8, 2023). Psifas is an innovative project that will collect hundreds of thousands of blood samples and information from the electronic medical records of volunteers coming from the various communities that comprise the Israeli population mosaic. These samples will be genetically sequenced and the genome data will form an information infrastructure and biological samples for research and development in the fields of personalized medicine for common and rare diseases that afflict the country's residents. This huge database, including clinical, genetic and lifestyle data that affect health, will be analyzed in an advanced computational way that will allow the adjustment of dedicated medical treatment, the most effective for the individual, with the aim of significantly improving the effectiveness of medical treatment and preventing complications and morbidity.

    In addition, an advanced analysis of the data obtained will allow the identification of disease related factors and risk factors for diseases that cannot be detected by other research methods. Thanks to the medical and genetic information, it will be possible to detect earlier diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and more, which are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, and to develop personalized treatments for them.

    The inaugural ceremony at the President's House (Beit HaNassi) in Jerusalem was attended by Prof. Karl Skorecki, who serves as the chairman of the scientific advisory committee for the management of the project, and Prof. Tzipora Falik-Zaccai, who is taking part in the construction of the Israeli reference genome, which consists of 63 different subpopulations that make up the unique human mosaic of the State of Israel.

    The President of the State welcomed and announced the launch of the project and volunteered together with his wife Michal to donate their blood samples to the project.

    The project is a partnership of many entities: the Ministries of Health and Finance, the National Digital System, the Innovation Authority and the Ministry of Education through the Planning and Budgeting Committee, and is managed through an association of the leading universities in Israel. The project's CEO is Prof. Gabi Barbash and the head of the board is Prof. Arie Zaban. 


    סקורצקי ופליק זכאי

  • Illustration of Future Building

    Six Year MD Program to Open in Academic Year 2023-24


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine of Bar-Ilan University in Safed is pleased to announce the opening of a six-year MD program opening in academic year 2023-24. Application details and requirements will be publicized in the coming days.

    Pictured: Illustration of future building.