Faculty News

  • Retreat

    First Research Retreat a Success


    A few days before Rosh Hashana, to wind up the Jewish year, the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine held its first ever two-day research retreat, on September 10-11, 2023. To be sure, high level, first-rate research conferences have of course been taking place at the Faculty for years, but this year students, researchers, faculty and other academics and professionals spent two full days including an overnight stay, at the Pastoral Hotel in Kfar Blum, enjoying science and camaraderie.

    After welcoming remarks by the Dean, Prof. Orly Avni, who opened with the question "What is a good scientist?" Prof. Meital Gal Tanamy, Associate Dean Research, noted that the two days are dedicated to celebrating creativity and hard work, and are an excellent opportunity to make connections. Prof. Tzipora Falik-Zaccai, previous Vice Dean Medical Research, quoted from the weekly Torah portion "לֹא בַשָּׁמַיִם הִיא" - that everything is possible, within reach. Prof. Falik Zaccai was presented with flowers for her years of dedication to the Faculty.

    Plenary sessions over the two days were given by Prof. Eli Schwartz (Sheba Tel Hashomer) who spoke about travel medicine and globalization, Dr. Yael Gruenbaum-Cohen (aMoon) who spoke about what happens to an idea that leaves academia and goes to industry, and Dr. Alon Wolf (Technion) who spoke about medical technology and ethics.

    Over the two days, more than 20 students and researchers presented their studies, and almost 100 posters were displayed. Best presentation award was given to Mor Zigdon (Dr. Shai Bel) and Tal Benjamin (Dr. Ronit Ilouz). Best poster to Sonia Modilevsky (Dr. Shai Bel), Ester Avazada (Prof. Amnon Harel), Mahesh Kumar Cinthakunta Sridhar (Dr. Nir Qvit), and Supriya Bhattacharya (Prof. Meir Shamay).

    And of course, none of this would have been possible without the hard work of (in alphabetical order) Ilana Bar-Sabag, Yehiel Dahan and his staff, Prof. Michael Edelstein, Prof. Evan Elliott, Prof. Tzipora Falik‐Zaccai, Dan Hinenzon and his staff, Nurit Maor, Dr. Eyla Maoz, Belal Mari, Dr. Ron Orbach, Hadas Oren, Dr. Dorit Raviv Shay, Noam David Reshelbach, Dr. Moran Yadid. 

    A few pictures can be seen here.

    With thanks to our sponsors: 


  • chromatin conference

    Chromatin Organization and Genome Stability Conference


    The international conference "Chromatin Organization and Genome Stability" organized by Dr. Kobi Maman, Prof. Itai On, Dr. Avi Matityahu, and Dr. Michal Mor, took place on September 5-7, 2023 in Safed with the participation of some 70 leading scientists from Israel worldwide. Topics discussed at the conference included, among others: the structure of chromosomes and chromatin, proteins that control the organization and stability of the genome, and DNA repair.

    Among the participants were Prof. Erez Lieberman Aidan from Baylor College, USA, one of the developers of the technology for three-dimensional mapping of the genome. In his lecture, he discussed principles in genome mapping, and described, among other things, an ambitious project for three-dimensional mapping of the genomes of all organisms that live today or lived in the past on the planet. In addition to lectures by leading researchers, many students were given the opportunity to present their work in a lecture or poster. Between the lectures, the participants enjoyed good food, and a tour of the old city. The tour included a stop at Beit Kita, the satellite campus of the Faculty of Medicine, located in a beautiful building in the heart of the city. They visited a virtual reality laboratory and received an explanation from the head of the laboratory, Dr. Hana Keren, about her research on psychopathology and mood states.

    The conference participants concluded: "The conference was excellent, the combination of scientists from two close but different fields helped us learn a lot of new things." Dr. Maman and Prof. On added, "We hope that the tremendous success of the conference will mark the beginning of a tradition of similar conferences in the north of the country." The organizers thank the National Science Foundation, the Vice President for Research and the members of the academic and administrative faculty of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine for their support of the conference and its execution.


  • Infectious Diseases Symposium

    Infectious Diseases Symposium Held at Ramat Gan Campus


    On September 5-7, 2023, the Infectious Diseases Symposium was held, a collaboration between the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and the Bar-Ilan Faculty of Engineering. The event was held at the Ramat Gan campus with the participation of approximately 400 doctors, researchers, and industry personnel engaged in the treatment and diagnosis of infectious diseases. At the symposium, various studies and solutions were presented that may provide answers to the control of infectious diseases.

    Prof. Avi Peretz from the Faculty of Medicine and Tzafon Medical Center and Prof. Amos Danieli from the Faculty of Engineering chaired the conference.

    Funding for the conference was provided by the Israel Science Foundation.

  • Yuval Z

    Yuval Zalthberg Receives Prize at Staff Day Ceremony


    Congratulations to Scientific Equipment Center technician Yuval Zalthberg (pictured below with BIU Worker's Union Faculty of Medicine representative Dr. Eyla Maoz) who was chosen as one of Bar-Ilan University's 12 "best employees" for the 2021-22 academic year. University-wide "Staff Day" ceremony was held today at the Ramat Gan campus.

    Yuval and Eyla

  • ISF winners

    Six Azrieli Recipients of 2023-24 ISF (Israel Science Foundation) Grants


    Congratulations to 6 (!) Azrieli Faculty of Medicine recipients of ISF, Israel Science Foundation grants:

    • Prof. Michael Edelstein and Dr. Kamal abu Jabal
    • Dr. Ron Orbach
    • Dr. Moran Yadid
    • Prof. Moshe Dessau
    • Dr. Limor Meoded-Danon
    • Dr. Rotem Kahalon

    Prof. Itay Onn, Dr. Kobi Maman, Dr. Nir Qvit also received grants for research workshops.

    Full details (in Hebrew) can be found here.

    For more information (in Hebrew) on Graduate Degree and Research at the Faculty, click here.


  • Omry Koren

    Prof. Omry Koren Awarded ERC Proof of Concept Grant


    Prof. Omry Koren, one of the world's most highly cited microbiology researchers, is the recipient of a European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant. He is being awarded the Grant for his research into the effects of maternal antibiotic use on offspring behavior.

  • Braude students

    International Students Visit the Faculty - World ORT in collaboration with Braude Academic College


    An international delegation of students on behalf of World ORT, in collaboration with Braude Academic College, visited the Faculty of Medicine on July 31, 2023 and met Dr. Alon Barash who showed them innovative methods for studying anatomy using a virtual imaging table (anatomage) and other technologies.

    Students from this program come to Israel for a summer seminar every year for 3 weeks. Twenty gifted students selected from 12 countries (Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Mexico, Italy, Bulgaria, Russia, Colombia, South Africa, Czech Republic, France and Israel) were admitted to the program which is funded by the World ORT Organization. As part of the program, the students carried out research in the fieldד of environmental engineering, development of cancer drugs, and biomedicine. In addition, the students were exposed to Judaism at heritage sites in Jerusalem, Safed and Masada in order to expose them to the culture of Israel.

    Special thanks to Hadas Oren for organizing the visit, and to Dr. Itai Malek of Braude.

  • diplomas

    Diploma Ceremony for Third Cohort of Family Medicine Professional Training Course


    Family Medicine is a priority at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine. As part of the Faculty's attempts to improve this important field in medicine, especially in the North of Israel, a two year specialization course is offered to local "Clalit" (health fund) doctors. This year, the third cohort graduated at a festive ceremony held at the Faculty, on July 19, 2023. The high demand course, coordinated by Dr. Elias Srour, gives physicians the necessary skills and approach for family medicine, to offer high quality primary care and treat complex cases. 

    Pictured below, Dean of Faculty, Prof. Orly Avni welcoming the crowd accompanied by their proud families.

    [Photo credit: Alfonso]

    Orly Avni, Dean

  • visit

    Keren Hayesod and WZO Visit Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine hosted the president of Bar-Ilan University, Prof. Arie Zaban; Mr. Yaakov Hagoel, Chairman of the Executive of the World Zionist Organization; Mr. Sam Grundwerg, Chairman of Keren Hayesod; and Ms. Adina Weinstock-Gabay, CEO of the organization during a joint visit on July 12, 2023. The visit was led by Karin Singer, Director of BIU Global Resource Development.

    During the visit, the group met with the Dean, Prof. Orly Avni; researchers Dr. Alon Barash and Dr. Shai Bel; and also had the opportunity to see the new "Kita" building which houses The Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHERE, and meet the director, Prof. Naim Shehadeh as well as researcher and SPHERE Deputy Director, Dr. Sivan Spitzer.

    The purpose of the visit was to acquaint Keren Hayesod and the WZO with the Faculty, with the hopes for future collaboration.









  • Yom Gibush

    Fun Annual Staff Outing - Yom Gibush


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine administrative staff had a fun day away from the office, a "Yom Gibush" (lit. day to bond), on July 10, 2023. The weather was hot but very tolerable, and the mood was collegial.

    First stop, healthy and filling breakfast picnic at the Bet She'arim National Park.

    Next, very interesting guided tour of the site led by the very knowledgeable Eitan Omer of Moreshet.

    Then, off to the nearby Druze town Daliyat al-Karmel for a fun workshop on medicinal plants led by Maya Abu - everyone went home with lavender ointment prepared at the workshop.

    Lunch at the delicious Nurah's Kitchen which included a hands-on workshop to prepare the sweet pastry dessert.

    A perfect way to start off the new week!

    Special thanks to Nurit Maor, Shlomit Yosef, Ilana Bar-Sabag, and Elad Levy for their hard work, making this a most memorable day.

    Yom Gibush

  • MD graduation

    One Hundred and Nine New Israeli Doctors


    Congratulations to 109 new Israeli physicians who received their MD diplomas at a festive graduation ceremony last night (July 3, 2023) at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine campus in Safed.

    With beautiful weather, a full moon rising after a stunning Galilean sunset - 70 graduates of the seventh four-year track and 39 graduates of the eighth three-year track  took the Oath of the Hebrew Physician (written by Prof. L. Heylprin) before being personally handed their diplomas.

    Officially opening the festivities was Hadas Oren, Faculty Events Coordinator, who invited Noam David Reshelbach, Administrative Head of Faculty, to lead the evening.

    After the procession, speakers greeting the crowd of family, friends, faculty members and clinicians, included the President of Bar-Ilan University, Prof. Arie Zaban; Rector, Prof. Amnon Albeck; the new Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Orly Avni; Mayor of Safed, Mr. Shuki Ohana; parent representative, Gil Castel; and student representative, Lee Azoulay.

    The evening included a touching tribute (picture below) to Prof. Amir Kuperman, a much-loved physician, researcher, and very dedicated teacher who passed away exactly a year ago. As his wife and children took to the podium, a short inspiring video of Prof. Kuperman describing his love of teaching, was projected.

    Musical interludes were performed by the talented duet Tzili Yanko and Yaniv Lifschitz.

    The formal ceremony culminated with the singing of HaTikva, and the traditional cap tossing.

    To date, 846 doctors have graduated from the Faculty.

    We wish success to our new doctors!

    Some pictures of the event can be seen here.




    Amir Kuperman memorial


  • PhD congrats

    Congratulations PhD Recipients


    Congratulations to our PhD graduates!

    • Dr. Ligat Shalev (Prof. Mary Rudolf, Dr. Sivan Spitzer, Prof. Anthony Luder z”l) 
    • Dr. Guy Journo (Prof. Meir Shamay)
    • Dr. Dalia Niv (Prof. David Karasik)    `
    • Dr. Iryna Khrystoforova (Prof. David Karasik)
    • Dr. Ipsita Chatterjee (Prof. Evan Elliott)      
    • Dr. Trishna Saha Detroja (Dr. Avraham Samson, Dr. Hava Gil-Henn)      
    • Dr. Katreena Yamin (Prof. Itay Onn)
    • Dr. Alexandra Boginya (Prof. Itay Onn)      
    • Dr. Rajesh Detroja (Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern)      
    • Dr. Liron Davis (Prof. Evan Elliott)   
    • Dr. Inass Kayyal-Tarabeia (Prof. Michael Blank, Dr. Keren Agay-Shay)   

    Graduation was held at main Bar-Ilan University Ramat Gan campus on June 29, 2023.

    Bar-Ilan ceremony program with dissertation topics can be seen here.

  • applicants

    An Historic First Day at the Faculty as Six Year Track Applicants Arrive


    The Faculty staff welcomes Six Year Track* applicants as they arrive in Safed for entrance exams. Interviews next!

    Wishing only success to all involved.


    six year applicants

    * The Six Year Track is a new program at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, opening for the first time in Academic Year 2023-24

  • white coat ceremony אור כחלון

    White Coat Ceremony for 11th Cohort of Four Year Track Students


    The excitement never goes away, each year, as we personally hand every medical student his or her new, starched White Coat, signifying the transition from pre-clinical studies in the classroom to clinical studies in the hospital. This will be their new uniform that they can wear with pride as they train to become Israel's next generation of physicians.

    This year's ceremony took place at the Yigal Alon auditorium a few blocks from the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine campus in Safed, on June 8, 2023.

    Opening the event was Sharon Mines, Administrative Deputy to the Associate Dean of Medical Education, who warmly welcomed the Faculty's new Dean, Prof. Orly Avni.

    A student, Atara Gordon, gave a short dvar torah.

    Then, the following Deans welcomed the students and their proud invited family members and friends:

    • Prof. Orly Avni, Dean
    • Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean Medical Education and Head of the Department of Neonatology Ziv Medical Center
    • Prof. Daniel Glikman, Vice Dean Pre-Clinical Studies and Senior Physician of Pediatrics at Tzafon Medical Center in Poria

    After a creative video prepared by the students to share their daily experiences with those present was screened, it was time to give each of the 104 students their White Coats, starting with recipients of the Paul and Edwina Heller Scholarship for Excellence. Dr. Anat Einy joined the above Deans in distributing the coats.

    At this point, to assist in the distribution, Dr. Dana Krupik and Dr. Irina Nordkin joined those on the podium and also asked HILA Course instructors to participate.

    With all 104 students donning their White Coats, the task of emceeing the event was now passed on to the students themselves, led by Liad Weinstock and Amatzia Harif. The students Oshra Meir, Hahnd Hanu, and Tal Zadok spoke, as did Koral Nativ, the wife of the student Eliashiv Nativ.

    Three students played a musical interlude.

    The ceremony was very moving and exciting, and we look forward to their formal MD graduation in a few years!

    A few pictures can be seen here.




  • אורלי ויסברג בטבע

    Two Graduate Students Participate in Teva BioMix2023


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine is excited that two of its graduate students - Orly Weissberg from Prof. Evan Elliott's lab and Aviv Mesika from Prof. Tzipora Falik-Zaccai's lab - won Teva's National BioInnovators scholarship.

    As part of the program, each year 30 outstanding students from Israeli universities are selected to participate in the program. The students benefit from a Teva-led mentoring program for the year, with senior leaders in science and industry. The goal is to train students in the field and to give them the tools to turn a scientific idea from academia into an innovative business development that can solve a medical issue.

    In May, Orly and Aviv even participated in the BioMix2023 competition as part of the BioMed conference in Tel Aviv.

    They were asked to present innovative and applicable ideas that are not part of their current research - an innovative idea that could solve a medical problem.

    Out of 30 contestants from all the universities in Israel, the top 10 were selected for the continuation of the competition, of which 2 were from the Faculty of Medicine, Orly and Aviv. Each of the selected students was given a team to work with over the next few months, with the goal of turning these ideas into a business plan.

    Orly's idea is called HostDefender - gene therapy to reduce the toxicity of bone marrow transplants and increase the pool of donors.

    Aviv's idea is called LacriScan - for diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases.



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