Faculty News


    SPHERE: Annual Visit of Russell Berrie Foundation Trustees


    A year after the festive launch of The Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHERE, trustees of The Russell Berrie Foundation, led by the Foundation's president Mrs. Angelica Berrie, visited Israel. On November 15, 2022 they joined the SPHERE team for a day of learning in the city of Shefaraam, one of SPHERE's five pilot cities. The day focused on learning about the implementation of the SPHERE project and the joint work with the local authorities.

    Mr. Orsan Yasen, mayor of Shefaraam, and Mr. Omar Al Malak, the Municipality's CEO, welcomed those present and noted the importance of improving the health of the residents and reducing the rate of diabetes in the city. 

    Dr. Sharon Goldman, V.P. Resource Development at Bar-Ilan University, emphasized the significant partnerships forged in the field. She noted that SPHERE faithfully represents the vision of Bar-Ilan University to bring research to the field and lead a significant change for the well-being of the community.

    Prof. Chaim Putterman, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, emphasized that reducing the gaps in health among the residents of the North was one of the main motives that led to the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in Safed by Bar-Ilan University and added that SPHERE's work is a clear expression of this concept. He added his hope that "Mishfaram [lit. from Shefaraam, whose name is related to the word Shofar] - will hear the sound of success throughout the Galilee."

    Prof. Naim Shehadeh, director of SPHERE, reviewed the alarming data on diabetes in the Galilee and said that "the SPHERE model is a unique model that combines academia, community, health insurance funds, hospitals, local authorities and the private sector. Everyone works together in a true partnership for two main goals: Reducing the disparity in diabetes between the population of the Galilee and the general population and developing new models for the treatment of diabetes adapted for implementation in the periphery."

    Dr. Sivan Spitzer, Deputy Director of SPHERE, emphasized the importance of the connection between a person's health outcomes and their place of residence. Based on the unique model she developed, Dr. Spitzer reviewed, before the trustees of The Russell Berrie Foundation, the paradigm shift that SPHERE is leading to assimilating health as part of its activities daily life of the local authority.

    After the morning meeting, the participants went on a tour of Shefaraam, in order to see and understand the connection between the structural characteristics of the city and the health of the residents. During the tour, the members of the delegation met the local partners. They spoke with Dr. Rami Abu Rumhin, Director of the Clalit Clinic; Dr. Khaled Mahajna, Director of the Maccabi Clinic; and nurse Ms. Nijmi Abbas about the current challenges in dealing with and treating diabetes in the city. The members of the delegation also met Mr. Hany Jarjoura, the director of the unit for economic development in the municipality, and Ms. Sara Hosary, coordinator of the SPHERE BaRaK (health, authority, community) in the municipality.

    Ms. Angelica Berrie concluded the visit with optimism, "It is exciting to see how much the processes are beginning to change in the field and we are looking forward to next year's visit."

  • Riga

    Azrieli Collaboration in Latvia


    For several years the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine at the Riga Stradins University in Latvia have collaborated with one another. This has included frontal lectures by Azrieli faculty, to students and medical specialists alike, as well as lectures by professors from Riga in hospitals affiliated to Azrieli, in addition to student visits and joint Zoom lectures and seminars during COVID.

    At the end of October 2022, Prof. Alexander Lerner of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was invited to Riga in order to train doctors and students from the RSU Faculty of Medicine in new methods of treating serious injuries, including modern war injuries.

    Students from dozens of European, Asian, African and Latin American countries study at the RSU Faculty of Medicine. Many of them were exposed for the first time to, and personally saw the results of the humanitarian treatment of, Syrian citizens (from an "enemy state") in the hospitals in northern Israel that are affiliated to the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine. Following three standing-room-only lectures given by Prof. Lerner, students expressed their excitement. But what impressed Prof. Lerner the most were the  Israeli students studying at RSU, who said that after such lectures they are even more proud of their country and feel the respect of their classmates from other countries.

    The Israeli Ambassador to Latvia, Mrs. Sharon Rapoport-Palgi, with whom Prof. Lerner met in Riga at the end of the lectures, noted the great importance of such collaboration in order to strengthen the ties between the two countries and to improve Israel's reputation worldwide.

    [Pictured: Prof. Lerner with Israeli students]

  • Rivo plaque

    Rivo Plaque Dedication at New Faculty Building


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine warmly welcomed Karen and Dr. Marc Rivo to Safed on November 6, 2022 for the unveiling of a plaque in their honor, located at the new Faculty building just a few minutes from the main Azrieli campus. The new building will house the administrative offices of The Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHERE as well as brain and health sciences laboratories. The Rivos are very dedicated supporters of Azrieli Faculty of Medicine programs.


    [Picture credit Dr. Micha de Vries and Noam David Reshelbach]

  • first day

    Academic Year 2022-23 Opens at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    With much excitement and beautiful weather, academic year 2022-23 opened this morning at all Bar-Ilan University campuses and most especially, at the Azrieli Facultyorientation of Medicine in Safed.

    Two orientations were held this morning, for incoming MD students as well MSc and PhD students.

    Welcoming our future physicians, from the podium in the Esther & Haim Carasso Auditorium, were Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Prof. Danielorientation Glikman, Vice Dean, Pre-Clinical Studies; Dr. Amitai Oberman, Chairperson of the Achievement Committee; Noam David Reshelbach, Administrative Head of Faculty; Sharon Mines, Administrative Deputy to the Associate Dean of Medical Education; Dor Ezon; Chairperson of the Student Union; Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean, Medical Education; and Dr. Shai Bel, Head of the MD/PhD Program. Immediately after the gathering, without further ado, classes began!

    Welcoming the new graduate students were Prof. Meital Gal Tanamy, Chairperson of the Graduate Degree Committee; Noam David Reshelbach, Administrative Head of Faculty; Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; Hadas Hasidim, Coordinator Graduate Studies; Shlomit Nishri, Head Librarian; and Prof. Michael Blank, Chairperson of the Graduate Teaching Committee.orientation

    A few interesting statistics about our students:

    • We welcome 101 new students to the four-year MD track and 36 to the three-year MD track.
    • This year, 242 students will be enrolled in pre-clinical studies, the largest number so far, requiring new classroom space.
    • In total, this year 411 medical students can call Azrieli, home (37% are men; 63% are women)
    • To date, 1478 students have studied medicine at Azrieli, and some 700 are now physicians (the first two graduating classes have completed their internships).
    • Twenty-eight first year MD students have joined the prestigious Ilanot Medical Leadership Program.
    • Eight second year MD students have joined the highly competitive ROM Galil Family Medicine Program (previously known as Tsafon Yarok).
    • 130 graduate students are currently carrying out bio-medical research at the Azrieli Faculty.orientation
    • The Faculty has welcomed international graduate students from India, Ukraine, Uganda, the Dominican Republic, and this year, from Nigeria.
    • To date, 90 students have received Masters Degrees in medical sciences, and 36 have received Doctoral Degrees in medical sciences and health sciences.
    • We have 38 research groups at the Faculty and its Affiliate Medical Centers

    We wish all students and researchers/advisors a very healthy, productive year of learning and research!





    [Thank you to Dr. Ron Orbach, Benny Dayan, and Tova Hasidim for the pictures. Additional pictures can be seen here.]

  • Ilanot

    First Cohort of Ilanot Medical Leadership Program Kicks Off at Kfar Giladi


    Just before the start of the academic school year, 29 first year medical students who were scrupulously chosen for the new Ilanot Medical Leadership Program in the Galilee convened for their opening orientation seminar that took place at Kibbutz Kfar Giladi on October 2-3, 2022.

    With much excitement, the cadets were given the opportunity to become acquainted with the program from up close, from representatives of the Ministry of Health. They met with senior officials including Prof. Nachman Ash, Director General of the Ministry of Health; Dr. Noam Yehudai, Deputy Director of Baruch Padeh Medical Center; and Dr. Ariella Ofran, Director of Eastern Galilee Clalit Health Services.

    In addition, Prof. Chaim Putterman, Associate Dean Research at the Faculty of Medicine, met the cadets and got to know them, explaining to them the deep partnership and commitment the Faculty has regarding the success of the program.

    At the gathering, the cadets also heard about the social and health challenges, as well as unique opportunities for doctors in the North, during meetings with leaders of the local community and leading specialists in the region.

    We wish the best of luck to the cadets, the pioneers of the Ilanot Galil program.

    The program includes substantial financial assistance throughout the medical training, mentorship, leadership training, and support during internship. Recipients commit to settling in the Galilee for 7 years after they graduate.

  • Qvit book cover - Elsevier

    New Book Edited by Dr. Nir Qvit: Peptide and Peptidomimetic Therapeutics From Bench to Bedside


    Congratulations to Dr. Nir Qvit upon the publication of the Elsevier book edited by him, Peptide and Peptidomimetic Therapeutics: From Bench to Bedside.

    Elsevier writes:

    • Helps researchers and clinicians harness the full of power of peptides and peptidomimetics in their daily work and drug discovery
    • Features chapters running from “bench to bedside”, providing a thorough grounding in fundamental peptide science, drug delivery methods, and targeting of specific disease types
    • Features chapter contributions from international leaders in peptide science and drug development

    (Book cover picture taken from amazon.com)

  • toast

    Faculty Toast to the New Jewish Year 5783


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine ushered in the new Jewish year, 5783, at a festive midday toast at the Safed campus. The gathering was broadcast as well via Zoom for those who were unable to physically attend.

    The Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki, and the Administrative Head of Faculty, Noam David Reshelbach, shared a few words with the crowd. Farewell blessings were given to Zvi Tabachnik, security and safety supervisor, who will be leaving the Faculty after over eight years of excellent, dedicated work.

    Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, falls this year on September 26-27, 2022.

    Zvi etc



  • conference

    Prof. Putterman Participates in 10th Galilee Conference


    Prof. Chaim Putterman, Associate Dean Research (pictured to left with Prof. Fahed Hakim, General Director of EMMS Nazareth Hospital), represented the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine at the 10th Annual Galilee Conference that took place in Migdal HaEmek on September 13, 2022. The conference is a meeting ground for local decision makers to discuss gaps felt in various realms, including medicine, in the periphery.

    The conference opened with greetings from Oded Forer, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Minister for the Development of the Periphery, the Negev and the Galilee. Full itinerary can be seen here.

    Noam David Reshelbach, Administrative Head of Faculty, also attended this important event whose byline was "Turning the Galilee into Midtown." Local Hebrew coverage can be seen here.


  • healthy

    The Healthy Faculty!


    As part of the MAHAR (Hebrew acronym for medical social responsibility) course requirements, the Student Leader’s Wellness Team of the Healthy Faculty initiative, led by Dr. Jumanah Essa-Hadad and Dr. Lilach Malatskey, organized various activities during the 2021-2022 academic year to improve student health and wellbeing.  These activities included active breaks for all students at the faculty (e.g. healthy snacks, exercise sessions, yoga), hikes in the Galilee to encourage social engagement and physical activity, a mental health media campaign, among others. It is sometimes a challenge to find time for active breaks within the heavy course load, or rooms/resources for activities, but we believe in the important impact this initiative has on the wellbeing of the students. 

    To see a short video prepared by the class, click here.  


  • Hurwitz Research Day

    The Eli Hurvitz z”l 11th Annual Research Day


    The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Eleventh Annual Research Day took place on September 5, 2022 and was dedicated to the memory of Eli Hurwitz.

    An excellent opportunity for the students to share their research, the day included presentations by keynote speakers, Prof. Ran Balicer, Chief Innovation Officer
    at Clalit who spoke about Data-driven innovation in healthcare, as well as Prof. Batsheva Kerem, Department of Genetics, HUJI who spoke about The Cystic Fibrosis Journey: from gene cloning to drug development.

    Graduate degree students from the Faculty presented posters and gave lectures on their research. Prizes were given for the most impressive posters and lectures.

    Some pictures can be seen here (photo credit Maor Elhyani).


  • ISM

    Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy Elected President of the Israel Microbiology Society


    Congratulations to Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy who was elected president of the Israel Microbiology Society (ISM).
    Congratulations also to Dr. Moshe Dessau who was elected treasurer.
    The elections took place at the annual conference in July 2022.
    The Israel Microbiology Society is the largest scientific society in Israel, including some 500-700 members. It unites all microbiologists, including virology, bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology.

  • Anatomy Instructor course

    Anatomy Instructors Course Coda


    On August 11, 2022 the ninth cohort of the Anatomy Instructors course, led by Prof. David Karasik and Dr. Nomy Dickman, convened for their final meeting.

    This year's 40-hour training course included thirteen participants, carefully chosen from among first year Azrieli medical school students. They were trained to teach the anatomy course to next year's first year students, with some also trained in histology and in brain and mind.

    Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean Medical Research, recapped for the students the importance of the course and the task facing its graduates, and received from them feedback regarding the course. He then personally distributed certificates of completion (pictured), with the assistance of the course coordinators.

  • karasik conference

    Workshop: “Post-Genome analysis for musculoskeletal biology” at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine


    Organized by Prof. David Karasik and Dr. Chen Shochat-Carvalho of the Musculoskeletal Genetics Laboratory, this workshop took place at the Azrieli Faculty on July 27-29, 2022.

    Based on a project funded by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) the team introduced zebrafish as a model to validate musculoskeletal genome-wide association studies. The workshop, funded by the ISF, provided a platform for omic-centered researchers from Israel and abroad to facilitate crosstalk, establish collaboration, and validate new experimental models of musculoskeletal health. A variety of world-renown speakers provided their insights into the current and future work on the fast-growing field of the post-genomic exploration.

    ​The two main objectives:

    • Acquire a better understanding of advantages and challenges in using the functional approaches for the bone biology in piscine and rodent models, and ultimately human cells. Specific focus is on latest advancement in imaging modalities, genetic methodologies, and nano-technology approaches. 
    • Learn about the current state of knowledge and ongoing research activities in the musculoskeletal diseases, such as osteosarcopenia, falls and fracture.

    The researchers hope to translate the findings of this research into novel therapeutic strategies effective for the musculoskeletal system, for preventing and treating fractures and muscle loss by targeting actionable genes.


  • Schuster and Dickman

    Seventh Annual Israeli Society for Medical Education Conference


    The seventh annual conference of the Israeli Society for Medical Education (היל"ר) of the Israeli Medical Association was held on July 6, 2022.

    At the session on active learning, a roundtable was held, moderated by Prof. Barbara Schuster and Dr. Nomy Dikman, with the participation of Prof. Sophia Eilat-Tsanani, Prof. Bashara Basharat, and Prof. David Karasik.

    The roundtable discussed "Reflecting on Active Learning Pedagogy: a collaborative book writing experience" focusing on two key topics:

    • How did the process of writing impact me as an educator
    • How could the book, or my individual chapter, help facilitate active learning/teaching
  • Poria KS Peretz

    Certificates of Appreciation Awarded to Padeh Poria Lecturers


    The final of a series of ceremonies this academic year aimed at thanking the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine's excellent clinical lecturers, was held on August 4, 2022 at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poria.

    Representing the Faculty were Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean; Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean Medical Education; and Dr. Nomy Dickman, Head of Unit, Evaluation and Advancement of Education. Dr. Erez Onn, director general of Poria said, "Excellence is the first value among the core values of our organization and you fulfill this value....The ceremony is a humble opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for your important contribution."

    In addition to the teachers receiving awards, two departments received awards of excellence - the newborn and neonatal department, which was chosen for the sixth time in a row, and the OB/GYN department.

    (Photo credits: Above, הרון נלגאבץ, מרכז רפואי פדה-פוריה; below, Noam David Reshelbach)
