Pilot Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center a Success

Following in the footsteps of our popular Teddy Bear Hospital, we are now proud to introduce the Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center. This creative event was inaugurated as a pilot on October 23, 2023 at the Faculty in Safed, and offered support to approximately 100 children ages 3-12, parents, and teddy bears alike. Activities - whose aim was to increase the children's sense of resilience and restore feelings of competence and control, through their teddy bears - were led by some 25 medical, psychology, and social work students. Dr. Nomy Dickman, Head of Unit, Evaluation and Advancement of Education, adds, "This is a very important and exciting project. It was encouraging to see so many people participate, and students in action. Children always bring joy!"
A few pictures by Emuna Jurno here.
Update: A second event took place at the main Bar-Ilan University Ramat Gan campus on October 26, 2023. Needless to say, this was also a sweeping success.
Another Update: A third, also in Ramat Gan, on November 1, 2023!
And yet another: The Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center was in Mitspeh Ramon on November 21, 2023, visiting some 70 children who were evacuated from Kibbutz Erez after the horrors of October 7. Some 24 student volunteers put in a very long day, manning surgery, orthopedics, emotions, and medical psychology stations.
And....in Yehud on November 30, 2023, for those evacuated from Ashkelon and Sherot and children whose parents serve in security forces!
Last Updated Date : 11/12/2023