Giving Back to the Community: Nesher Students Visit Faculty

A group of ninth grade students from Nesher Middle School visited Prof. Itay Onn's laboratory on February 22, 2024. These students are participants in the Ramon Foundation's SpaceLab project, which focuses on science education and space exploration.
The students chose to focus on the topic of building biological walls using fungus. These walls are easy to prepare, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly. Under the guidance of Prof. Onn, the students prepared an experiment to test how microgravity affects the construction of the biological wall. During the visit, the students toured the laboratory. The director of the laboratory, Dr. Avi Matityahu, and the students demonstrated and explained the methods for growing the fungus and for analyzing the results that the students will use in the experiment. The group will soon compete in the district finals. If they win, they will compete in the national finals. The winning team will get to perform the experiment aboard the International Space Laboratory. We wish them success!
Last Updated Date : 06/08/2024