New Medical Cadet Cohort Inaugurated

This year's cohort of medical cadets were honored at a ceremony at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on the second night of Hanuka, December 19, 2022. The group of high-achievers will be exposed to the world of medicine as early as their high school years.
Speaking at the ceremony, which was held in the Esther & Haim Carasso Auditorium, were Mayor of Safed, Mr. Shuki Ohana; supervisor of programs for excelling students of the Ministry of Education, Ms. Avishag Idan; academic advisor of the program, Dr. Chen Carvalho Shochat; and researcher/lecturer Dr. Alon Barash who spoke about the human heart.
This year is the fifth cycle of the program. Some 70 students from the 10th, 11th and 12th grades are participating this year. The students come many schools in the north of Israel: Ulpanat Amit Safed, Ulpanat Kiryat Shmona, Danziger Kiryat Shmona, Anna Frank Sasa, ORT Sajur, Makif A and B Majar, Makif Beit Jan, Makif Hula Valley, Makif Har Vagya, Makif Six-Year Horfish, Makif Six-Year Peki'in, Amit Hatzor Educational Campus, ORT Hatzor, Sciences and Arts Nahariya, Shehakim Nahariya, WIZO Nir Ha'emek Afula, ORT Oren Afula, ORT Alon Ben Gurion Afula, ORT Yigal Alon Nof HaGalil, ORT Ma'alot, Multidisciplinary Safed, and Nofei Golan Katsrin.
The event included a festive reception and Hanuka candle lighting.
Last Updated Date : 26/12/2022