Faculty of Medicine Newsletter 65 (August 2022)

PDF for easier reading here.

New! Promotional Announcements. Read to the end!

The New Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Website Is Up!

With thanks to the Bar-Ilan ICT Division, our new websites in English and Hebrew are up! Feel free to take a look, and if you come across any mistakes/glitches, do be in touch.


Certificates of Appreciation Awarded to Padeh Poria Lecturersהרון נלגאבץ, מרכז רפואי פדה-פוריה credit

A ceremony was held on August 4, 2022 at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poria to thank the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine's excellent clinical lecturers for their hard work this past academic year. Read more here.


Anatomy Instructor Panel  

The anatomy instructors course was developed by Prof. David Karasik and Dr. Nomy Dickman. On August 8, 2022 this year’s annual panel, part of the course, focused on the topic of gender differences in the teaching of medicine among male and female doctors from a teacher's and/or student's point of view. The students in the course were exposed to the topic of gender differences in the teaching of medicine among male and female doctors both from the personal perspectives of medical leaders from our faculty and from the perspective of a female doctor who graduated from the Faculty. The Dean, Prof. Karl Skorecki, opened the panel, which was moderated by Dr. Tali Bretler, head of the Adolescent Psychiatry Department at Ziv Medical Center. Members of the panel included Dr. Erez Onn, Director General of Baruch Padeh Medical Center; Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean, Medical Education; Prof. Sophia Eilat-Tsanani, head of the Family Medicine division; Dr. Alon Barash, Anatomy course coordinator; and Dr. Inbar Hershko, a fresh graduate who now teaches the course.anatomy panel







  • Congratulations to Prof. Chaim Putterman, Associate Dean Research, upon his appointment to Chief Editor of Translational Immunology and Pre-Clinical Models (a specialty section of the journal Frontiers in Lupus).
  • Congratulations to Dr. Nir Qvit upon receipt of an ISF-Canada grant, “Therapeutic peptides for Chagas disease: a new approach to cardiovascular diseases.”


Prof. Amir Kuperman z”l was promoted to Clinical Associate Professor. The process began before his premature passing. The Faculty sends a special warm hug to his family.


  • The 4th International Congress on Molecular Targeting Therapy and Immunotherapy of Cancer took place on July 27-30, 2022 at Kibbutz Hagoshrim. The brainchild of Prof. Jamal Zidan, this year’s conference welcomed some 70 lecturers and some 300 participants. Full details (in Hebrew) can be seen here.
  • Workshop: “Post-Genome analysis for musculoskeletal biology” took place at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on July 27-29, 2022. Read more here.
  • The Seventh Annual Israeli Society for Medical Education Conference took place on July 6, 2022. Read more here.

Upcoming Conferences

The Eli Hurvitz 11th Annual Research Day (at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, September 5, 2022).

Mazal Tov

  • Mazal tov to Dr. Lilach Malatskey, Vice Dean Community Medical Education, on the birth of a granddaughter.
  • Mazal tov to Danit Dasa on the birth of a son.

MD Acceptance Seasonhappy

Acceptance letters have been sent out to Azrieli medical school applicants. Orientation meeting will be the first day of the academic year, October 23, 2022. We look forward to sharing more details about our incoming class. Stay tuned…


  • PhD Seminar: Cancer Incidence in a National Scale Registry Based Cohort in Israelduring 1995-2015   Spatial Analysis and the Associations with Air Pollution and Greenness (Inass Tarabeia supervised by Dr. Keren Agay-Shay)
  • Special Seminar: Culinary Medicine: a recipe for an effective medical education training program (Dr. Ran Polak, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, hosted by Prof. Peter Gilbey)
  • Upcoming Special Seminar: Academic integrity at the era of digital learner (Dr. Yovav Eshet, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Zefat Academic College, hosted by Dr. Alon Barash)

Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHEREsphere

For latest SPHERE activity, see their Facebook page here.

Meet Our DoctorsDr. Ran Katz

This month we would like to introduce you to Dr. Ran Katz, Director of the Urology Department at Ziv Medical Center.

“I love working with people, I love working with my hands and I love technology. It was clear to me from the beginning that I would be a surgeon. I came to urological surgery through my research work in medical school. I found a profession that wonderfully combines all of these together," said Dr. Ran Katz explaining his choice of specialty.

Dr. Katz is the director of the Urology department at Ziv Medical Center in Safed, married and a father of four living in Kfar Vardim. Born and raised in Jerusalem, he graduated from the medical school of the Hebrew University and Hadassah. He specialized in urology at Hadassah Ein Kerem and subspecialized in laparoscopy and oncology at the Henri Mondor Hospital in Paris, France, with further training in uro-oncology, laparoscopy and minimally invasive urology in Germany and the USA. In 2014 he was appointed director of the Urology department at Ziv and is a senior lecturer at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine.

On his move to the north: "Moving to the north was always a dream of both of ours, and it is the best thing that happened to our family. It is true, we are a little far from the rest of the family, but our quality of life is great.”

About the Faculty: "The establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in Safed 10 years ago revolutionized the hospitals of the North and Safed. The hospitals became academic and teaching hospitals. This raises the level of medicine, and attracts academic doctors from the rest of the country, who can continue to work and develop in medicine, teaching, and research. The students are an integral part of the medical team and contribute to it. Our students are motivated and of a high standard and I am proud to be part of the team that trains them. I believe with all my heart that a teaching doctor is also a learning doctor and in the end, he or she is better for his patients."

Professional interests and achievements: “In 2001-2002, I had the honor of being among the first to operate abroad with the "Da Vinci" robot, which is currently used in most major hospitals in the world….For the past five years I have been leading in Israel and around the world the study of the "butterfly," a tiny invasive device that is inserted into the prostate in order to improve urination without the need for surgery. This is an original Israeli development.”

Hobbies: “Reading books, the ultimate pleasure…cycling…running and swimming…. In recent years I participated in triathlon and half marathon competitions…. At home I like to garden and renovate. If only there were 26 hours in a day.”

Motto: “First be a human being, then work hard. The rest will come.”

Local Paparazzi!KS and SZ

Spotted, by chance, at the opening of the Klezmer Music Festival in Safed on August 9, 2022! Two local leaders, Prof. Salman Zarka, Director of Ziv Medical Center (to left), and Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine (to right).

Azrieli Alumni (MD, PhD, MSc): Please Note

 Please help us spread the word to Azrieli alumni that we want to keep in touch! We want to hear from them. Go to our “Request for Information” page, here.

Website: What’s New? 


Reminder that publications by Azrieli faculty are generally posted in chronological order based on publication date, per PubMed listings. If you have published an article recently that appears on PubMed but that was not listed in a Newsletter, I apologize, and please do let me know.


  • Sunanda Biswas Mukherjee, Sumit Mukherjee, Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern: Fusion proteins mediate alternation of protein interaction networks in cancers (Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol . )
  • Fares Kablan, Daniel Oren, Asaf Zigron, Idan Redenski, Samer Srouji: Expanding The Surgeon's Armamentarium - Use of the Tubing Technique to Preserve the Inferior Alveolar Nerve During Transposition Procedure (J Oral Implantol .)
  • Sumit Mukherjee, Mahua Bhattacharya, Rajesh Detroja, Gideon Baum, Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern: Clinical and Molecular Characterization of a Rare Case of BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated MyositisVaccines (Basel) .)
  • Tsafrir Or: Temporal Trends in the Prevalence, Treatment and Outcomes of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome at High Bleeding Risk (Diagnostics (Basel) .)
  • Sumit Mukherjee, Rajesh Detroja, Gon Carmi, Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern: Incipient Sympatric Speciation and Evolution of Soil Bacteria Revealed by Metagenomic and Structured Non-Coding RNAs Analysis (Biology (Basel) .)
  • Hadas Samuels, Malki Malov, Trishna Saha Detroja, Karin Ben Zaken, Naamah Bloch, Meital Gal-Tanamy, Orly Avni, Baruh Polis, Abraham O Samson: Autoimmune Disease Classification Based on PubMed Text Mining (J Clin Med .)
  • Michal Werbner, Joel Alter, Moshe Dessau, Meital Gal-Tanamy: Anti-TNFα Treatment Impairs Long-Term Immune Responses to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (Vaccines (Basel) .)
  • Avi Benov: The association between helicopter emergency medical services and early casualty survival: a nationwide study (Eur J Emerg Med.)
  • Jacob Bornstein: Terminology for cone dimensions after local conservative treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and early invasive cervical cancer: 2022 consensus recommendations from ESGO, EFC, IFCPC, and ESP (Lancet Oncol.)
  • Tawfik Khoury, Wisam Sbeit: Antibioprophylaxis in Endoscopic Ultrasound guided Fine Needle Aspiration in Pancreatic Cysts: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (J Gastroenterol Hepatol .)
  • Shira Ben Simon, Sondra Turjeman: Lasting Effects of Helicobacter pylori Infection on the Microbial Communities of Patients with and without Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (New Microbiol .)
  • Avi Benov: The Influence of Gender Bias: Is Pain Management in the Field Affected by Health Care Provider's Gender? (Prehosp Disaster Med .)
  • Wisam Sbeit, Hani Abukaes, Helal Said Ahmad, Moeen Sbeit, Amir Mari, Tawfik Khoury: The possible association of proton pump inhibitor use with acute cholangitis in patients with choledocholithiasis: a multi-center study (Scand J Gastroenterol .)
  • Joel Alter, Michal Werbner, Moshe Dessau, Meital Gal-Tanamy: Conformational flexibility in neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 by naturally elicited anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Commun Biol . )
  • Edo Y Birati: Hemodynamic reserve predicts early right heart failure after LVAD implantation (J Heart Lung Transplant . )
  • Tal Shachar: Novel Technologies in Chronic Wound Care (Semin Plast Surg.)
  • Tal Shachar: Evolving Trends in Breast-Implant-Based Procedures in Israel: A National Survey (Semin Plast Surg . )
  • Omer I Sagi, Nissan Ohana, Leonid Kogan: The Impact of the Syrian Civil War on One Department in an Israeli Hospital (Semin Plast Surg . )
  • Tal Shachar: Medical Students' Knowledge of Plastic Surgery as a Reflection of the Public Perception (Semin Plast Surg .)
  • Danna Krupik: Should COVID-19 vaccines be mandated in schools? - an international caregiver perspective (Vaccine .)
  • Yair Blumberg, Michael Edelstein, Kamal Abu Jabal, Ron Golan, Neta Tuvia, Yuval Perets, Musa Saad, Tatyana Levinas, Dabbah Saleem, Zeev Israeli, Abu Raya Alaa, Gabby Elbaz Greener, Anat Amital, Majdi Halabi: Protective Effects of BNT162b2 Vaccination on Aerobic Capacity Following Mild to Moderate SARS-CoV-2 Infection: A Cross-Sectional Study Israel (J Clin Med . )
  • Edo Y Birati: The Anemia Stress Index-Anemia, Transfusions, and Mortality in Patients with Continuous Flow Ventricular Assist Devices (J Clin Med .)
  • Shon Dahan Nassy, Maya Azrad, Said Abozaid, Daniel Glikman, Hiba Zayyad, Adi Zaidman-Shimshovitz, Avi Peretz: Assessing the impact of a positive Biofire® FilmArray® Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel result on clinical management and outcomes (Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis .)
  • Khalaf Kridin: DNA-Chip-basierte Diagnose der Onychomykose und Tinea pedis (J Dtsch Dermatol Ges .)
  • Sophia Eilat-Tsanani: Detection of Hepatitis D Virus: Performance in the Community (Isr Med Assoc J .)
  • Khalaf Kridin: Risk of cardiovascular diseases in pyoderma gangrenosum: A population-based study (J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol .)
  • Karl Skorecki: WHO's Palestinian statistics: what's Israel got to do with it? (Lancet .)
  • Raymond Farah: Correction to: Lithium's Gene Expression Profile, Relevance to Neuroprotection A cDNA Microarray Study (Cell Mol Neurobiol .)
  • David Peleg: Suture type for hysterotomy closure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM)

Faculty News



Faculty Press Exposure 

Image Gallery 

No new pictures this time…

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And for Some Promotional Announcements…

research day













































































