Faculty of Medicine Newsletter 79 (October 2023)
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Our hearts and thoughts are with the families of the victims of the Swords of Iron War: the murdered, the kidnapped, the missing, and the wounded.
The Faculty continues to support its students - even those who have not yet had the opportunity to attend their new classes this semester - and will continue to be here for all members of the faculty during this difficult time. We are at your service.
We remind you that you can stay updated about our activities and the directives of the Home Front Command, from the main webpage of the Faculty as well as on the website of Bar-Ilan University.
We pray for quiet and peace.
Prof. Orly Avni, Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University

This October 2023 newsletter is dedicated primarily to the Faculty's important activities related to the Swords of Iron War that broke out on Shabbat Simchat Torah, 22 Tishrei 5784, October 7, 2023.
Due to the circumstances, the Academic year has not yet begun.
Pilot Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center
Due to the success of the Faculty of Medicine's well-known Teddy Bear Hospital, and in light of the immediate and pressing need resulting from the sudden outbreak of the Swords of Iron War - the Faculty immediately stepped into action and initiated first as a pilot, the "Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center" to offer intervention for the body and soul, for children aged 3-12.
The pilot events took place this month at the Safed and Ramat Gan campuses with the participation of the Faculty and its Student Union, as well as the University's department of psychology and the school of social work.
Hundreds of boys and girls with their parents and their teddy bears and dolls participated.
Additional details can be found at Bar-Ilan University's social networks and media outlets and of course, on the Faculty's website and social networks.
Emergency Recruitment for the Purchase of Small Portable POCUS Ultrasound Devices
Bar-Ilan University and the Faculty of Medicine launched an immediate emergency fundraiser for the purchase of small portable ultrasound devices (Point of Care Ultrasound - POCUS) to be used by soldiers and medical teams in combat areas and hospitals. As of the writing of this newsletter, 60 POCUS have been given to the IDF (and are successfully in use, in combat), 35 are on the way, and 46 will be used in hospitals. The idea was spearheaded by a student who is currently serving in the field at the Gaza border.
Student-Led "War Room"
A group of approximately 40 Faculty of Medicine students established a "War Room" (literal translation from the Hebrew) immediately upon the outbreak of the Swords of Iron war. Among other important activities (examples detailed below), a database including some 800 students was quickly built, to check on their well-being and to inquire regarding how they could be helped, if necessary.
Coping Strategies and Urgent Training
- A Zoom meeting was held to offer tools for dealing with situations involving patients/families/friends affected by trauma, including how best to function in situations of uncertainty and transmission of hard news.
- An emergency workshop was held to train students at the Tel Hashomer hospital - taking venous blood for laboratory tests, inserting a fluid infusion set, inserting an infusion into a peripheral vein and setting up a peripheral vein infusion.
Community Involvement
- Assistance in setting up emergency clinics in Amirim and Parod.
- Medical students volunteered at the Forensic Medicine Institute.
- Volunteer registration forms were created for hospitals in Nazareth, Afula, and Ziv Medical Center in Safed, as well as Kupat Holim health funds in the north and SPHERE.
- Arrangements were quickly made based on pressing needs, such as the supplying of necessities of reservists, finding and transporting of equipment, organizing places to stay and/or spontaneous showers, and more.
Collection of Clothing and Other Necessities
Dr. Nomy Dickman and Dr. Moran Yadid coordinated a collection of children and youth clothing, games, and other equipment for the benefit of the residents of those who lost their homes.
All of the above activities are ongoing and continue being updated in real time at the time of writing this newsletter.
- Congratulations to Dr. Liron Rozenkrantz on the birth of a baby girl.
- Congratulations to Dr. Uriel Trahtemberg on his appointment as Clinical Senior Lecturer.
Website: What’s New?
Publications (Please see here.)
- Raneen Abu Shqara, Shany Or, Abdallah Abu Zraki, Jeries Rizik, Daniel Glikman, Hagai Rechnitzer, Lior Lowenstein, Maya Frank Wolf: The Utility of Maternal TORCH Screening Due to Obstetrical Indications in Detecting Congenital Infections: A Retrospective Observational Study (Pediatr Infect Dis J .)
- Chaim Putterman: Nano-encapsulated anandamide reduces inflammatory cytokines in vitro and lesion severity in a murine model of cutaneous lupus erythematosus (Exp Dermatol . )
- Gassan Moady, Elias Daud, Shaul Atar: The impact of on-site cardiac surgical backup on clinical outcomes of acute coronary syndrome-analysis of the ACSIS national registry (Front Cardiovasc Med .)
- Jacob Bornstein: More Steps Forward for the Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease (J Low Genit Tract Dis . )
- Khalaf Kridin: Are interleukin 17 and interleukin 23 inhibitors associated with malignancies?-Insights from an international population-based study (J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol .)
- Paul Kuodi, Yanay Gorelik, Hiba Zayyad, Ofir Wertheim, Karine Beiruti Wiegler, Kamal Abu Jabal, Amiel A Dror, Jelte Elsinga, Saleh Nazzal, Daniel Glikman, Michael Edelstein: Association between BNT162b2 vaccination and health-related quality of life up to 18 months post-SARS-CoV-2 infection in Israel (Sci Rep . )
- Husein Dabbah: Pediatric negative pressure pulmonary edema: Case series and review of the literature (Pediatr Pulmonol . )
- Ohad Ronen: Progress and emerging strategies to preserve function in the treatment of sinonasal cancer (Head Neck . )
- Idan Shamay: The Hard Palate Sweep: a multiplanar 2D sonographic method for the prenatal detection of cleft palate (Am J Obstet Gynecol . )
- Fadi Hassan, Amir Khoury, Jamal Awad, Helana Jeries , Mohammad E Naffaa: A very rare cause of blue finger: A case-based review (J Scleroderma Relat Disord . )
- Amitai Bickel, Ron Lagrissi, Jacqueline Jerushalmi, Wisam Sbeit, Michael Weiss, Moshe Shiller, Samer Ganam, Eli Kakiashvili: The Role of Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy as the Initial Investigative Modality for Significant Bile Leak following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Dig Surg .)
- Sondra Turjeman, Omry Koren: Metabolic inputs in the probiotic bacterium Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus contribute to cell-wall remodeling and increased fitness (NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes .)
- Alexander Lerner, David Rothem: Treatment of Bifocal Periprosthetic Fractures above and below a Knee after Tumor using Spanning Ilizarov Device: A Case Report (J Orthop Case Rep .)
- Gassan Moady, Offir Ertracht, Efrat Shuster-Biton, Elias Daud, Shaul Atar: The Role of Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Pathways in Different Models of Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats (Biomedicines . )
- Galia Stemer, Shai Yagna, Najib Dally: MDS-Related Anemia Is Associated with Impaired Quality of Life but Improvement Is Not Always Achieved by Increased Hemoglobin Level (J Clin Med .)
- Mervyn S Jaswon: For Whom the bugs toll: do uTLR4 levels have a role in screening for urinary tract infection? (Pediatr Nephrol .)
- Amir Mari: Colonoscopy in the young: Rethinking the yield (J Investig Med . )
- Boris Fichtman, Amnon Harel: The magnified view: from ancient trinkets to single nuclear pore complexes (FEBS Lett . )
- Tameemi Abdallah Moady, Marwan Odeh, Ayalla Fedida, Zvi Segal, Maayan Gruber, Moshe Goldfeld, Limor Kalfon, Tzipora C Falik-Zaccai: Case report: Novel insights into hemorrhagic destruction of the brain, subependymal calcification, and cataracts disease
- Matti Mizrachi, Einat Levy, Amiel A Dror, Eyal Sela, Sergey Kutikov, Masad Barhoum, Ohad Ronen, Maayan Gruber: Humanitarian Outpatient Pediatric Endeavor (HOPE): A Novel Specialist Ambulatory Health-Care Concept in Conflict Areas (Disaster Med Public Health Prep .)
- Ipsita Chatterjee, Dmitriy Getselter, Nasreen Ghanayem, Ram Harari, Liron Davis, Shai Bel, Evan Elliott: CHD8 regulates gut epithelial cell function and affects autism-related behaviors through the gut-brain axis (Transl Psychiatry .)
- Shirin Hamed Azzam, Amir Nama, Haneen Jabaly Habib: The Effect of Ptosis Surgery on Meibomian Glands and Dry Eye Syndrome (Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg . )
- Khalaf Kridin: Risk of de novo bullous pemphigoid and pemphigus following transplantation: A global wide-scale cohort study (J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol .)
- Oren Ziv , Elad Rubin, Omry Koren: Successful weight regain attenuation by autologous fecal microbiota transplantation is associated with non-core gut microbiota changes during weight loss; randomized controlled trial (Gut Microbes .)
- Tsafrir Or: Outcomes of patients with acute coronary syndrome according to COVID-19 vaccination status (Coron Artery Dis . )
- Nour Ibrahim: Chronic Rhinosinusitis After Maxillary Advancement Orthognathic Surgery (Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol .)
- Nasser Sakran: Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery in Patients with Situs Inversus: a Systematic Review (Obes Surg . )
- Ohad Ronen: A Meta-analysis of Surgical Outcomes of T4a and Infranotch T4b Oral Cancers (Oncol Ther .)
- Edo Y Birati: Left Ventricular Unloading With Impella Versus IABP in Patients With VA-ECMO: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (Am J Cardiol . )
- Enav Yefet: The efficiency of cabergoline versus pyridoxine for lactation inhibition - a randomized controlled trial (Am J Obstet Gynecol . )
- Tzipora Falik-Zaccai: Clinical and molecular features in a cohort of Middle Eastern patients with epidermolysis bullosa (Pediatr Dermatol .)
- Ohad Ronen: Review of Outcomes after Salvage Surgery for Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck (Cancers (Basel) .)
- Shai Stern: Interpretation of Heart and Lungs Sounds Acquired via Remote, Digital Auscultation Reached Fair-to-Substantial Levels of Consensus among Specialist Physicians (Diagnostics (Basel) . )
- Ala Aiob: A simplified two-marker immunohistochemistry strategy for Lynch syndrome screening in endometrial cancer patients (Obstet Gynecol Sci . )
- Hadas Shasha Lavsky, Karl Skorecki, Irith Weissman: Diagnostic Utility of Exome Sequencing Among Israeli Children With Kidney Failure (Kidney Int Rep . )
- Yosefa Birati: The Relationship Between Yoga Practice Dosage and Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Self-reported Health Among Breast Cancer Survivors Who Practice Yoga (Holist Nurs Pract . )
- Rola Khamisy-Farah: Queering Artificial Intelligence: The Impact of Generative Conversational AI on the Queer Community. A Scoping Review (J Med Internet Res . )
- Susana Mikhail Mustafa, Raneen Abu Shqara, Maya Frank Wolf, Oleg Shnaider, Sari Nahir Biderman, Limor Sharabi, Lior Lowenstein: Implementation of French AmbUlatory Cesarean Section (FAUCS): Establishment of a Learning Curve and Short-term Outcomes (Isr Med Assoc J . )
- Ohad Ronen: Treatment of recurrent acute tonsillitis-a systematic review and clinical practice recommendations (Front Surg . )
- Adi Francis: Weaker SARS-CoV-2 vaccine responses in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with advanced liver fibrosis (Vaccine X . )
- Soha Zgairy, Sondra C Turjeman, Omry Koren: Giardiasis and diarrhea in dogs: Does the microbiome matter? (J Vet Intern Med . )
- Afif Nakhleh, Naim Shehadeh: Clinical Outcomes of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Type 2 Diabetes Patients with and without SGLT2 Inhibitor Treatment: A Retrospective Study (Biomedicines .)
- Ala Aiob: Clinical Implication of PD-L1 Expression in Patients with Endometrial Cancer (Biomedicines . )
Faculty Press Exposure (Please see here.)
Image Gallery (Please see here.)
- חמ"ל סטודנים צפת Student "War Room" (October 2023)
- Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center מרכז חוזק לדובים (October 2023)
Faculty News (Please see here.)
- Pilot Teddy Bear Strength and Resilience Center a Success
- Iron Swords: Instructions for Students and Staff
Together we will win
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