Webinar: Parasites - Is the World Being Taken Over?

ram cohen webinar

As part of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine 10th year celebrations, Dr. Ram Cohen presented a webinar, the third in a series of four, on parasites.

Dr. Cohen is a veterinarian who relocated with his family to the north from Tel Aviv to study medicine at Azrieli. He subsequently chose to specialize in internal medicine at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poria as part of the Northern Stars program.

After a welcome by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dr. Cohen opened up the lecture explaining the special Northern Stars program. He then proceeded to offer an intriguing introduction to the tiny yet expanse world of parasites. The Zoom audience was exposed to the lifecycle of parasites, their modus operandi, evolution, how and why they induce behavior change in hosts such as mice, research exploring a possible link to human psychiatric illnesses, and more. Most poignantly, Dr. Cohen explained how toxoplasmosis is transmitted - and encouraged the participants not to fear cats! A myriad of research studies were presented, as well as questions for future exploration. 

ram cohen webinar








ram cohen webinar










To view the webinar on YouTube, click here.

You can read up about the first 10th anniversary Faculty webinar, Have Antibiotics Become Passe, here; and the second, The Teddy Bear Hospital, here. Stay tuned for the fourth and final in the series, also to be broadcast via Zoom, in a few weeks.

Last Updated Date : 27/05/2021