MD Graduation 2022: 105 new doctors are born at Azrieli Faculty of Medicine

Every year it gets more and more exciting - the MD graduation ceremony at Bar-Ilan University's Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in Safed.
This year, with beautiful July 4th weather, 62 students from the sixth four-year track graduating class, and 43 students from the seventh three-year track graduating class, were sworn in as physicians in the State of Israel. Fifty seven of these students - new doctors - are women.
Noam David Reshelbach, the Faculty Administrative Head, led the ceremony that was held outdoors on campus, with hundreds of proud participants gleaming.
After the official processions of Academic Management and Faculty, and the students, offering words of inspiration were Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean Medical Education, who opened with Maimonide's Physician's Prayer; Prof. Arye Zaban, President of Bar-Ilan University; the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Karl Skorecki; the Rector of Bar-Ilan University, Prof. Amnon Albek; the Mayor of Safed, Mr. Shuki Ohana; parent representative Dr. Dov Bandel; student Dr. Shirel Ohayon. The Maqamat Ensemble from Safed performed musical interludes throughout the ceremony.
The students took the Oath of the Hebrew Physician (written by Prof. L. Heylprin) then proceeded one by one to the dais, to the Dean and Rector. Handing out the diplomas were Sharon Mines, Administrative Deputy to the Associate Dean of Medical Education, and Bat El Yamin, Academic Staff Coordinator.
Pictures can be seen here (Dror Miller, photographer).
Last Updated Date : 07/07/2022