Dr. Ron Orbach
The cytoskeleton of the cilia and associated ciliopathies
Dr. Ron Orbach is a senior lecturer who researches the cytoskeleton of the cilia and associated ciliopathies.
1. Luchniak A, Kuo YW, McGuinness C, Sutradhar S, Orbach R, Mahamdeh M, Howard J (2022) Dynamic microtubules slow down during their shrinkage phase, Biophys J, 122, 616-623.
2. Orbach R, Howard J (2020) Purification of Ciliary Tubulin from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Curr Protoc Protein Sci, 100, e107. DOI: 10.1002/cpps.107.
3. Orbach R, Howard J (2019) The Dynamic and Structural Properties of Axonemal Tubulins Support the High Length Stability of Cilia, Nature Commun, 10, 1838, DOI:10.1038/s41467-019-09779-6.
4. Lilienthal S, Klein M, Orbach R, Remacle F, Levine RD, Willner I (2017) Continuous Variables Logic via Coupled Automata Using a DNAzyme Cascade with Feedback, Chem Sci, 8, 2161-2168.
5. Lilienthal S, Shpilt Z, Wang F, Orbach R, Willner I (2015) Programmed DNAzyme-Triggered Dissolution of DNA-Based Hydrogels: Means for Controlled Release of Biocatalysts and for the Activation of Enzyme Cascades, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 7, 8923-8931.
6. Heleg-Shabtai V, Aizen R, Orbach R, Aleman-Garcia MA, Willner I (2015) Gossypol-Crosslinked Boronic Acid-Modified Hydrogels: A Functional Matrix for the Controlled Release of an Anti-Cancer Drug, Langmuir, 31, 2237-2242.
7. Guo W, Lu CH, Orbach R, Wang F, Qi XJ, Cecconello A, Seliktar D, Willner I (2015) pH-Stimulated DNA Hydrogels Exhibiting Shape-Memory Properties, Adv Mater, 27, 73-78.
8. Freage L, Wang F, Orbach R, Willner I (2014) Multiplexed Analysis of Genes and of Metal Ions Using Enzyme/DNAzyme Amplification Machineries, Anal Chem, 86, 11326-11333.
9. Guo W, Lu CH, Qi XJ, Orbach R, Fadeev M, Yang HH, Willner I (2014) Switchable Bifunctional Stimuli-Triggered Poly-N-Isopropylacrylamide/DNA Hydrogels, Angew Chem Int Ed, 53, 10134-10138. # Selected by referees as very important paper (VIP)
10. Orbach R, Wang F, Lioubashevski O, Remacle F, Levine RD, Willner I (2014) A Full-Adder Based on Reconfigurable DNA-hairpin Inputs and DNAzyme Computing Modules, Chem Sci, 5, 3381-3387. # Selected as hot paper; Cover page
11. Aleman-Garcia MA, Orbach R, Willner I (2014) Ion-Responsive Hemin/G-Quadruplexes for Switchable DNAzyme and Enzyme Functions, Chem Eur J, 20, 5619-5624.
12. Guo W, Qi XJ, Orbach R, Lu CH, Mironi-Harpaz I, Seliktar D, Yang HH, Willner I (2014) Reversible Ag+-Crosslinked DNA Hydrogels, Chem Commun, 50, 4065-4068.
13. Orbach R, Remacle F, Levine RD, Willner I (2014) DNAzyme-Based 2:1 and 4:1 Multiplexers and 1:2 Demultiplexer, Chem Sci, 5, 1074-1081. # Selected as hot paper
14. Guo W*, Orbach R* (co-first), Mironi-Harpaz I, Seliktar D, Willner I (2013) Fluorescent DNA Hydrogels Composed of Nucleic Acid-Stabilized Silver Nanoclusters, Small, 9, 3748-3752.
15. Orbach R, Guo W, Wang F, Lioubashevski O, Willner I (2013) Self-Assembly of Luminescent Ag Nanocluster-Functionalized Nanowire, Langmuir, 29, 13066-13071.
16. Wang F, Freage L, Orbach R, Willner I (2013) Autonomous Replication of Nucleic Acids by Polymerization/Nicking Enzyme/DNAzyme Cascades for the Amplified Detection of DNA and the Aptamer-Cocaine Complex, Anal Chem, 85, 8196-8203.
17. Lu CH, Qi XJ, Orbach R, Yang HH, Mironi-Harpaz I, Seliktar D, Willner I (2013) Switchable Catalytic Acrylamide Hydrogels Cross-Linked by Hemin/G-Quadruplexes, Nano Lett, 13, 1298-1302.
18. Orbach R, Remacle F, Levine RD, Willner I (2012) Logic Reversibility and Thermodynamic Irreversibility Demonstrated by DNAzyme Based Toffoli and Fredkin Logic Gates, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109, 21228-21233.
19. Wang F, Orbach R, Willner I (2012) Detection of Metal Ions (Cu2+, Hg2+) and Cocaine by Using Ligation DNAzyme Machinery, Chem Eur J, 18, 16030-16036.
20. Orbach R, Mostinski L, Wang F, Willner I (2012) Nucleic Acid Driven DNA Machineries Synthesizing Mg2+-Dependent DNAzymes: An Interplay Between DNA Sensing and Logic Gate Operations, Chem Eur J, 18, 14689-14694.
21. Orbach R, Mironi-Harpaz I, Adler-Abramovich, L, Mossou E, Mitchell E, Forsyth VT, Gazit E, Seliktar D (2012) The Rheological and Structural Properties of Fmoc-Peptide Based Hydrogels: The Effect of Aromatic Molecular Architecture on Self-Assembly and Physical Characteristics, Langmuir, 28, 2015–2022.
22. Shimron S, Wang F, Orbach R, Willner I (2012) Amplified Detection of DNA Through the Enzyme-Free Autonomous Assembly of Hemin/G-Quadruplex DNAzyme Nanowires, Anal Chem, 84, 1042-1048.
23. Wang F, Elbaz E, Orbach R, Magen N, Willner I (2011) Amplified Analysis of DNA by the Autonomous Assembly of Polymers Consisting of DNAzyme Wires, J Am Chem Soc, 133, 17149–17151. (IF-15.419, Chemistry, Multidisciplinary, 15/178, Q1, 263 citations)
24. Wilner O, Orbach R, Henning A, Teller C, Yehezkeli O, Mertig M, Harries D, Willner I (2011) Self-Assembly of DNA Nanotubes with Controllable Diameters, Nature Commun, 2, 540, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1535.
25. Balogh D, Tel-Vered R, Riskin M, Orbach R, Willner I (2011) Electrified Au Nanoparticle Sponges with Controlled Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Properties, ACS Nano, 5, 299-306.
26. Frisman I, Orbach R, Seliktar D, Bianco-Peled, H (2010) Structural Investigation of PEG-Fibrinogen Conjugates, J Mater Sci Mater Med, 21, 73-80.
27. Elbaz J, Wang ZG, Orbach R, Willner I (2009) pH-stimulated Concurrent Mechanical Activation of Two DNA “Tweezers” – A “SET-RESET” Logic Gate System, Nano Lett, 9, 4510–4514.
28. Amdursky N*, Orbach R* (co-first), Gazit E, Huppert D (2009) Probing the Inner Cavities of Hydrogels by Proton Diffusion, J Phys Chem C, 113, 19500–19505.
29. Orbach R, Adler-Abramovich L, Zigerson S, Mironi-Harpaz I, Seliktar D, Gazit E (2009) Self-Assembled Fmoc-Peptides as a Platform for The Formation of Nanostructures and Hydrogels, Biomacromolecules, 10, 2646-2651.
Last Updated Date : 05/08/2024