Prof. Tzipora C. Falik-Zaccai, Vice Dean, Medical Research, Receives Minister of Health Award for Medical Accessibility

לעברית, כאן.
Prof. Tzipora Falik-Zaccai of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine and the Galilee Medical Center has been awarded the Minister of Health distinction for access to medical rights in the field of health.
Falik-Zaccai was granted the award for activities that take place at the genetics institute she heads, making genetic tests accessible to the population of the villages in the north of the country, in order to prevent infant morbidity and mortality from hereditary diseases.
"For me, this is a life project that has lasted almost 20 years. Our region includes some 650,000 people, where very often the populations are small and intermarriage rates are high, resulting in a high rate of hereditary diseases, birth defects and infant mortality. I believe that this is an important goal that can be changed. With the help of our genetics technology and knowledge, our project has changed the reality in the area. From a reality of lack of awareness, fear of genetic testing and fear of various stigmas, we have reached the point where we are welcome in every village, are located within Tipat Halav centers with Ministry of Health nurses and performing genetic testing on the population. I have a wonderful team that came to the plate, with everyone taking a role and doing their best to make the project a success," said Dr. Falik-Zaccai.
The award is given annually in recognition of organizations and individuals involved in promoting rights in the health care system. The ceremony, which took place recently in Cinema City, was attended by Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz, Director General of his office Prof. Nachman Ash, Chairman of the Medical Association Prof. Zion Hagai, Chairman of the Coalition Committee and Chairman of the Health Committee MK Idit Silman, and senior members of the Patient Rights Association.
Short video (in Hebrew) here.
[Photo credit: Yael Zur]
Last Updated Date : 29/12/2021