Certificates of Appreciation Awarded to Clinical Instructors, Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poria, June 4, 2020

thank you

The second Zoom-platform ceremony for outstanding clinical instructors and departments was held on June 4, 2020, this time for excellent doctor-educators at the Poria Medical Center. The Coronavirus did not prevent the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine from thanking those who deserve it!

With Noam Reshelbach, administrative head of the Faculty serving as "master of ceremony," Prof. Karl Skorecki the Dean, opened with warm words of appreciation. He pointed out than a large percentage of vice deans at the Faculty hold positions at Poria, and mentioned that Poria joins the Faculty in placing the health of the citizens of the Galilee at the forefront. Skorecki blessed the medical center for its excellent clinical work, as well as research accomplishments, all supported and encouraged by the excellent leadership at Poria. He noted that it was clearly evident that the doctors love teaching, as one must love what one does in order to truly excel. He stressed teaching by example, the importance of mentorship, and reiterated that although Azrieli is called a "Faculty," bottom line is that it is a medical school, training future doctors.

Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean for Medical Education, spoke next, pointing out the unique recent challenges with the sudden novel Coronavirus reality. Students and teachers alike shifted and adapted immediately - and the excellent results were apparent.

Dr. Nomy Dickman, Head of Unit, Evaluation and Advancement of Education, pointed out how teaching, learning, and evaluation all go hand-in-hand. Excellence is part of the organizational culture, and she thanked all involved for their dedication.

Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, who currently serves as director of the Medical Center, stressed that excellence is a way of life, that the medical center cares not only for its patients but also for its students - and thanks them. She thanked the doctor-educators who have chosen to find the time not only to heal but to teach and be role models.

A short inspirational video of thanks had been prepared and was shown, with final words by Dr. Said Abu Zaid of the department of pediatrics (awarded excellent instructor, department, as well as unit). He thanked all, including the administrative support staff, for making the success possible. He termed medicine a lifelong mission. Prof. Skorecki then reiterated, "And the secret key is to love what you do."

Last Updated Date : 07/06/2020