Advisor to the Dean for Propriety in Research and Teaching

Dr. Miriam Bentwich

מרצה בכירה Senior Lecturer
Advisor to the Dean for Propriety in Research and Teaching
דוא"ל בר-אילן
תחומי עניין

Bioethics and medical ethics.

תחום הוראה
Medical Ethics
Medical Humanities
תחומי מחקר
Bioethics and Medical Ethics
מרכזי מחקר
Bar-Ilan University Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Safed
    קורות חיים

    Dr. Miri Bentwich is Advisor to the Dean for Diversity and BioEthics. Her areas of research specialize in bioethics and medical ethics.





    • Bentwich, M. (2012). Reclaiming Liberty: From Crisis to Empowerment. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.  140 pages.

    Chapters in Edited Books

    1. Bentwich, ME. (2020). “Medical Humanities and Active Learning,” in Lynn-Schuster, B. and Dickman, N. (Eds.) Active Education for Future Doctors. Springer.
    2. Bentwich, ME (forthcoming, 2023). “Advance Directives in Israel,” in Michael Dunn and Daisy Dtcheng, (Eds.) Advance directives in Asia. Cambridge University Press.


    1. Balin L, Davidson Z, Gross B*, Bentwich ME* (2022). Healthcare Provider’s Culture and its Impact on End-of-Life Discussion. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. DOI: 1177/00302228211054322
    2. Amar- Gavrilman, N* and Bentwich ME* (2022). To Debate or Not to Debate? Examining the Contribution of Debating When Studying Medical Ethics in Small Groups. BMC Medical Education. DOI: 1186/s12909-022-03124-0
    3. Zach, R* and Bentwich ME* (2022). Reasons and Un-Moderating Sources for HPV Vaccination Hesitancy among Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Mother. Developing World Bioethics DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12372
    4. Harel N* and Bentwich, ME* (2021), What can European Principlism Teach about Public Funding of IVF? The Israeli Case. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18, 441–454 (2021)
    5. Cohen Kfir N, Rudolf M, Bentwich ME, Dickman N, Falik‐Zaccai TC. ‘LEADERS’: A culturally tailored approach to genetic counseling for minority populations (2021). Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30(1):70-4.
    6. Cohen Kfir, N*, Bentwich, ME*, Kent, A, Dickman, N, Tanus, M, Higazi, B, Kalfon, L, Rudolf, M and Falik-Zaccai, TC (2020). Challenges to effective and autonomous genetic counseling for ethno-cultural minorities: A qualitative study. BMC Medical Ethics, 28: 98 doi: 1186/s12910-020-00537-8
    7. Bentwich, ME (2019). Invited Comment [about suggested policy against anti-vaccinations in schools], American Journal of Public Health, 109(12): 1691
    8. Bentwich, ME, Mashiach-Eizenberg, M., Borovečki, A. and Simonstein, F. (2019). Reprogenetics, Reproductive Risks and Cultural Awareness: What can we learn from Israeli and Croatian Medical Students? BMC Medical Ethics, 20, 85 (2019) doi:1186/s12910-019-0427-1
    9. Bentwich, ME., Y.Bokek-Cohen and N.Dickman (2018). How is figurative language related to formal caregivers’ person-centered approach toward their patients with dementia? Ageing and Society, DOI: 1017/S0144686X18000685.
    10. Peles, C., M. Rudolf, M. Weingarten and Bentwich (2018). What can be learned from health-related tensions and disparities in ultra-orthodox Jewish families? Journal of Health and Religion, DOI: 1007/s10943-018-0590-6
    11. Bentwich ME. and Bokek-Cohen, Y. (2017). Process factors facilitating and inhibiting medical ethics teaching in small groups. Journal of Medical Ethics, 43(11):771-777, DOI: 1136/medethics-2016-103947.
    12. Bentwich, ME, Coret, A. (2017). Does wartime bioethics really triumph over peacetime bioethics? American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), 17(10): 63-65.
    13. Bentwich, ME, Gilbey, P. (2017). More than Visual Literacy: Art and the Enhancements of Tolerance for Ambiguity and Empathy. BMC Medical Education, DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-1028-7
    14. Bentwich, ME., N.Dickman and A. Oberman (2017). Dignity and autonomy in the care for patients with dementia: Differences among formal caretakers of varied cultural backgrounds and their meaning.  Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 70(May-June): 19-27, DOI: 1016/j.archger.2016.12.003.
    15. Bentwich, ME., Dickman, N., Oberman, A. and Bokek-Cohen, Y. (2017). "I treat him as a normal patient": Unveiling the normalization coping strategy among formal caretakers of patients with dementia and its implications for person-centered care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, DOI: 1177/1043659617745137
    16. Bentwich, ME., Dickman, N. and Oberman, A. (2016). Human Dignity and Autonomy in the Care for Patients with Dementia: Differences between Formal Caretakers from varied cultural background. Ethnicity and Health, DOI1080/13557858.2016.1246519.
    17. Bentwich, ME., N. Dickman and A.Oberman (2016).  Autonomy and Human Dignity in Caring for Patients with Dementia: Perceptions of Multicultural Caretakers. Nursing Ethics, DOI: 1177/0969733016642625
    18. Rubenstein, G*. and Bentwich, ME.* (2016). The enemy as a patient: What can be learned from the emotional experience of physicians and why does it matter ethically? Developing World Bioethics, DOI: 1111/dewb.12125.
    19. Bentwich, M. (2013). On the Inseparability of Gender Eugenics, Ethics and Public policy: An Israeli Perspective. American Journal of Bioethics, 13(10): 43-45.
    20. Cohen-Mansfield, J., Garms-Homolová, A., Bentwich, M. (2013). Migrant home attendants: regulation and practice in 7 countries. American Journal of Public Health, 103(12): e30-e39.
    21. Bentwich, M. (2012). It’s about Scientific Secrecy, Dummy: A Different Patent-Based Approach for the Challenges of Genomics Patenting to Scientific Research and Health Care. Science Engineering Ethics, 18(2): 263-284.
    22. Bentwich, M. (2012). It’s the ‘Little Brothers’ we should be worried about. American Journal of Bioethics, 12(9):49-51.
    23. Bentwich, M. (2011). Justice is Not Merely Semantics: Recasting the Significance of the Dead Donor Rule. American Journal of Bioethics, 11(8):50-52.
    24. Bentwich, M. (2011). “Can We Liberalize the Hasidic Story? Reconstruction of a Legend as a Supportive Account for Personal Autonomy,” Jewish Studies Quarterly, 18:1-23.
    25. Bentwich, M. (2010). “Changing the Rules of the Game: Addressing the Conflict between Free Access to Scientific Discovery and Intellectual Property Rights,” Nature Biotechnology, 28(2): 137-140.
    26. Bentwich, M. (2010). “Is it really about Neuroethics? On National Security, Fear and Superstition,” American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience, 1(2): 30-32.
    27. Bentwich, M. (2009). On Political Participation, Rights and Redistribution: A Lockean Perspective. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 12(4): 491-511.

    * indicates in all of the above list of articles (published, accepted) an equal contribution of both authors

    Last Updated Date : 14/11/2023