Media Exposure

  • vaccination from TOI article
    TimesOfIsrael: EU studying Arab Israelis as a paragon of child vaccination, to help Europe (Dr. Jumanah Essa-Hadad, Prof. Michael Edelstein)
  • israel365news
    17/06/2021 New Israeli Research Shows that Low Vitamin D Levels Prior to Infection with COVID-19 Is Linked to a More Serious Case of the Disease (Prof. Michael Edelstein, Dr. Amiel Dror)
  • Amiel Dror (Twitter)
    17/06/2021 1 in 4 COVID patients hospitalized while vitamin D deficient die – Israeli study (Dr. Amiel Dror)
  • Michael Edelstein
    15/06/2021 Israel scraps face masks and becomes first major country to fully emerge from Covid (Prof. Michael Edelstein)
  • corona pixabay
    06/05/2021 Pfizer vaccine 96.7% effective at preventing COVID deaths, Israeli data shows (Prof. Michael Edelstein)
  • Leaky Gut
    06/05/2021 Loss of top autism-linked gene from gut alters behavior in mice (Dr. Evan Elliott)
  • corona shutterstock
    05/05/2021 New research provides insight into how cytokine storm develops (Dr. Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern and Prof. David Karasik)
  • Jpost article kuperman
    27/04/2021 Blood drive campaign gives boy with rare blood disease a fighting chance (Dr. Amir Kuperman)
  • epochtimes
    theepochtimes: To Heal Body and Soul: A visit to the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in Tsfat, northern Israel
  • mask
    10/04/2021 Could face masks prevent more than just COVID-19? (Dr. Amiel Dror)