Advisor to the Dean for Propriety in Research and Teaching
Dr. Miriam Bentwich
מרצה בכירה Senior Lecturer
Advisor to the Dean for Propriety in Research and Teaching
Bar-Ilan Email
Fields of Interest
Bioethics and medical ethics.
Academic field
Medical Ethics
Medical Humanities
Research field
Bioethics and Medical Ethics
Research Center
Bar-Ilan University Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Safed
Dr. Miri Bentwich is Advisor to the Dean for Diversity and BioEthics. Her areas of research specialize in bioethics and medical ethics.
- Bentwich, M. (2012). Reclaiming Liberty: From Crisis to Empowerment. UK: Palgrave Macmillan. 140 pages.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Bentwich, ME. (2020). “Medical Humanities and Active Learning,” in Lynn-Schuster, B. and Dickman, N. (Eds.) Active Education for Future Doctors. Springer.
- Bentwich, ME (forthcoming, 2023). “Advance Directives in Israel,” in Michael Dunn and Daisy Dtcheng, (Eds.) Advance directives in Asia. Cambridge University Press.
- Balin L, Davidson Z, Gross B*, Bentwich ME* (2022). Healthcare Provider’s Culture and its Impact on End-of-Life Discussion. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. DOI: 1177/00302228211054322
- Amar- Gavrilman, N* and Bentwich ME* (2022). To Debate or Not to Debate? Examining the Contribution of Debating When Studying Medical Ethics in Small Groups. BMC Medical Education. DOI: 1186/s12909-022-03124-0
- Zach, R* and Bentwich ME* (2022). Reasons and Un-Moderating Sources for HPV Vaccination Hesitancy among Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Mother. Developing World Bioethics DOI: 10.1111/dewb.12372
- Harel N* and Bentwich, ME* (2021), What can European Principlism Teach about Public Funding of IVF? The Israeli Case. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18, 441–454 (2021)
- Cohen Kfir N, Rudolf M, Bentwich ME, Dickman N, Falik‐Zaccai TC. ‘LEADERS’: A culturally tailored approach to genetic counseling for minority populations (2021). Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30(1):70-4.
- Cohen Kfir, N*, Bentwich, ME*, Kent, A, Dickman, N, Tanus, M, Higazi, B, Kalfon, L, Rudolf, M and Falik-Zaccai, TC (2020). Challenges to effective and autonomous genetic counseling for ethno-cultural minorities: A qualitative study. BMC Medical Ethics, 28: 98 doi: 1186/s12910-020-00537-8
- Bentwich, ME (2019). Invited Comment [about suggested policy against anti-vaccinations in schools], American Journal of Public Health, 109(12): 1691
- Bentwich, ME, Mashiach-Eizenberg, M., Borovečki, A. and Simonstein, F. (2019). Reprogenetics, Reproductive Risks and Cultural Awareness: What can we learn from Israeli and Croatian Medical Students? BMC Medical Ethics, 20, 85 (2019) doi:1186/s12910-019-0427-1
- Bentwich, ME., Y.Bokek-Cohen and N.Dickman (2018). How is figurative language related to formal caregivers’ person-centered approach toward their patients with dementia? Ageing and Society, DOI: 1017/S0144686X18000685.
- Peles, C., M. Rudolf, M. Weingarten and Bentwich (2018). What can be learned from health-related tensions and disparities in ultra-orthodox Jewish families? Journal of Health and Religion, DOI: 1007/s10943-018-0590-6
- Bentwich ME. and Bokek-Cohen, Y. (2017). Process factors facilitating and inhibiting medical ethics teaching in small groups. Journal of Medical Ethics, 43(11):771-777, DOI: 1136/medethics-2016-103947.
- Bentwich, ME, Coret, A. (2017). Does wartime bioethics really triumph over peacetime bioethics? American Journal of Bioethics (AJOB), 17(10): 63-65.
- Bentwich, ME, Gilbey, P. (2017). More than Visual Literacy: Art and the Enhancements of Tolerance for Ambiguity and Empathy. BMC Medical Education, DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-1028-7
- Bentwich, ME., N.Dickman and A. Oberman (2017). Dignity and autonomy in the care for patients with dementia: Differences among formal caretakers of varied cultural backgrounds and their meaning. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 70(May-June): 19-27, DOI: 1016/j.archger.2016.12.003.
- Bentwich, ME., Dickman, N., Oberman, A. and Bokek-Cohen, Y. (2017). "I treat him as a normal patient": Unveiling the normalization coping strategy among formal caretakers of patients with dementia and its implications for person-centered care. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, DOI: 1177/1043659617745137
- Bentwich, ME., Dickman, N. and Oberman, A. (2016). Human Dignity and Autonomy in the Care for Patients with Dementia: Differences between Formal Caretakers from varied cultural background. Ethnicity and Health, DOI: 1080/13557858.2016.1246519.
- Bentwich, ME., N. Dickman and A.Oberman (2016). Autonomy and Human Dignity in Caring for Patients with Dementia: Perceptions of Multicultural Caretakers. Nursing Ethics, DOI: 1177/0969733016642625
- Rubenstein, G*. and Bentwich, ME.* (2016). The enemy as a patient: What can be learned from the emotional experience of physicians and why does it matter ethically? Developing World Bioethics, DOI: 1111/dewb.12125.
- Bentwich, M. (2013). On the Inseparability of Gender Eugenics, Ethics and Public policy: An Israeli Perspective. American Journal of Bioethics, 13(10): 43-45.
- Cohen-Mansfield, J., Garms-Homolová, A., Bentwich, M. (2013). Migrant home attendants: regulation and practice in 7 countries. American Journal of Public Health, 103(12): e30-e39.
- Bentwich, M. (2012). It’s about Scientific Secrecy, Dummy: A Different Patent-Based Approach for the Challenges of Genomics Patenting to Scientific Research and Health Care. Science Engineering Ethics, 18(2): 263-284.
- Bentwich, M. (2012). It’s the ‘Little Brothers’ we should be worried about. American Journal of Bioethics, 12(9):49-51.
- Bentwich, M. (2011). Justice is Not Merely Semantics: Recasting the Significance of the Dead Donor Rule. American Journal of Bioethics, 11(8):50-52.
- Bentwich, M. (2011). “Can We Liberalize the Hasidic Story? Reconstruction of a Legend as a Supportive Account for Personal Autonomy,” Jewish Studies Quarterly, 18:1-23.
- Bentwich, M. (2010). “Changing the Rules of the Game: Addressing the Conflict between Free Access to Scientific Discovery and Intellectual Property Rights,” Nature Biotechnology, 28(2): 137-140.
- Bentwich, M. (2010). “Is it really about Neuroethics? On National Security, Fear and Superstition,” American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience, 1(2): 30-32.
- Bentwich, M. (2009). On Political Participation, Rights and Redistribution: A Lockean Perspective. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 12(4): 491-511.
* indicates in all of the above list of articles (published, accepted) an equal contribution of both authors
Last Updated Date : 14/11/2023