Visit of AFBIU, CFBIU, BFBIU to Azrieli Faculty of Medicine

Friends Visit

The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was honored to host delegates from American, Canadian, and British Friends of Bar-Ilan University. Accompanied by Alona Gringauz, Director North America and UK Desks, BIU Global Resource Development, the group met with the Dean, Prof. Orly Avni; Prof. Omry Koren, a well-known microbiome scholar; Prof. Itay Onn, who invited the group to see the Scientific Equipment Center; Prof. Naim Shehadeh, Director, The Russell Berrie Galilee Diabetes SPHERE;medical students; and experienced the Anatomage Virtual Anatomy Teaching Table.anatomage

The visit to Safed, which took place on May 28, 2024, just before the opening of the annual BIU Board of Trustees meetings, included:

  • Steven Rosenberg, Board member, AFBIU
  • Jessica Feldan, CEO, AFBIU
  • Beth Gorin, Director, Northeast Region, AFBIU
  • Randy Spiegel, CEO, Canadian Friends of BIU
  • Max Dunbar, CEO, BFBIU

Randy Spiegel, CEO CFBIU, shared his warm thoughts with us: "The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine is a jewel that sparkles in the North. Every student researcher, teacher, and staffer exudes a passionate belief in the future that is contagious. I am proud that Naomi Azrieli and the foundation partnered with the State of Israel to breathe new life into the North and to know that the next generation of doctors will be building community through their work."

We look forward to seeing you again, soon!Prof. Onn

Last Updated Date : 30/05/2024