Technical details and protocols for MALDI
Increased efficiency in MALDI-TOF
- 2 kHz smartbeam-II laser technology enables ultra-high data acquisition speed.
Laser focus diameters down to 10 µm for high spatial resolution imaging without
pixel overlap.
- Wide mass range resolving power up to 26,000 due to proprietary
PAN™ technology.
- FlashDetector™ combined with new 4 GHz digitizer provides 2 ppm mass
accuracy for highest confidence.
- MALDI Perpetual™ Ion Source with laser-based self-cleaning in minutes.
Its push-button concept for removing sample and matrix debris is
indispensable for kHz operation.
Compass software suite
- flexControl for quick and easy data acquisition.
- flexAnalysis for automatic and interactive data analysis.
ProteinScape™ for comprehensive handling of proteomics projects.
GlycoQuest: Automated detection, localization and identification of glycan isoforms
BioTools™, the cutting edge software for protein analysis and Top-Down sequencing
flexImaging™, the leading platform for MALDI Imaging.
ClinProToolsTM, statistical model generation software; turns images into interpreted data.
PolyTools™, interactive interpretation of MALDI polymer spectra.
Support features
Extended self diagnostics.
Remote on-line service and support capability.
IQ/OQ/PV procedures for regulated environments.
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