Incucyte® SX5

Location: Building C, room 004

Contact person: Dr. Michael Assa


Incucyte S3 (Sartorius) High Throughput Live Cell Imaging


IncuCyte® SX5 System fast-tracks scientific discovery by combining lab-tested protocols and reagents with powerful, automated image acquisition and analysis. With IncuCyte’s user-friendly interface and robust instrument portfolio, any cell biologist can gain dynamic insights into the health, morphology, movement and function of their cell models.

A screen and mouse-keyboard switch is set up to relay between those devices (button press).

Remote interface Access to specific faculty computer (connected to wall socket and authorised), is also possible.

Manufacturer Features

  • Manufacturer: SARTORIUS
  • Model: IncuCyte® SX5 version 
Lens (Objective)
Filters sets
            Excitation         Emission
Green   453–485 nm   492–533 nm
Orange   546–568 nm   576–639 nm
NIR     648–674 nm   685–756 nm

Technical details and protocols

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