Laser Microdissection 7

Location: Building E, room 006C (Dark room)

Contact person: Dr. Michael Assa




Laser-microdissection (LMD) is a method to isolate cells, single cells, even sub-cellular moieties, under direct microscopic visualization. Thus, LCM can enrich and purify specific targets of interest for downstream applications such as DNA genotyping, RNA-SEQ, cDNA library generation, proteomics, or for cell cloning.

Manufacturer Features

  • Manufacturer: Leica
  • Model: LMD7 - Upright microscope
  • Cutting-Laser 349 nm , Pulse frequency 10-5000 Hz, Pulse length < 4 ns and Max. pulse energy 120 µJ
  • Camera  Leica DFC7000 T
  • Fully motorized
  • HXP lamp illuminations
Lens (Objective) Filters sets
HCX "PL FLUOTAR" 1.25x/0.04 Brightfield and Phase Contrast
 UVI "MICRODISSECTION" 5x/0.12 WD 11.7mm  LMD-BGR + illumination filter wheel (triplets dye filter)
UVI "MICRODISSECTION" 10x/0.25 WD 11.7mm GFP (EGfp and near range dye spectrum)
HCX "PL FLUOTAR" 20x/0.4 PH1 WD 6.0 mm  RHOD (Rhodamine red and near range dye spectrum)
HCX "PL FLUOTAR" 40x/0.6 PH1 Y5 (CY5 and near range dye spectrum)
HCX "PL FLUOTAR" 63x/0.7 PH1  
HCX "PL FLUOTAR MD" 150x/0.9 Dry contact  


Technical details and protocols