Ilanot Medical Leadership Program Kick-Off Event

In January 2022 we reported on the launch of an important program, the Ilanot Medical Leadership Program, thanks to the initiative and under the auspices of the Israeli Ministry of Health.
We are now excited to share, that a festive kick-off gathering took place at the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine on July 14, 2022. In attendance were directors of affiliate hospitals Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Poria (Dr. Erez Onn), Ziv Medical Center (Prof. Salman Zarka), and EMMS (Scottish) Hospital (Dr. Fahed Hakim), as well as the CEO of the Office for the Development of the Periphery, Negev and Galilee (Ilan Shohat) - among other dignitaries.
This leadership program will open in the fall, with 20-30 first year Azrieli medical students from the four-year track. It includes substantial financial assistance throughout the medical training, mentorship, leadership training, and support during internship. Recipients commit to settling in the Galilee for 7 years after they graduate.
Last Updated Date : 29/07/2022