MD Graduation 2021: Israel is Blessed with 92 New Doctors

The Azrieli Faculty of Medicine was proud to hold commencement exercises on July 26, 2021 for 92 students who earned the coveted MD degree. The graduation ceremony was held outside, at the Safed campus, due to Covid-19 considerations.
This year, there were 62 graduates from the four-year track (fifth graduating class), and 30 graduates from the three-year track (sixth graduating class).
Offering warm words of greeting and blessing, were Prof. Eric Shinwell, Associate Dean of Medical Education, who read Maimonides's Prayer for the Doctor; Prof. Arie Zaban, President of Bar-Ilan University; Prof. Amnon Albeck, Rector of Bar-Ilan University; Prof. Karl Skorecki, Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine; Shuki Ohana, Mayor of Safed; and Prof. Masad Barhoum, General Director of the Galilee Medical Center as well as proud parent of a graduate, Dr. Rana Barhoum.
As the warm sun set, a musical interlude by Gadi Altman and Asaf Frishman welcomed in the evening breeze.
Many words of thanks were offered to the students' families for their support, and some graduates even came to the podium to receive their diplomas with their little children in hand. We wish our new physicians the best of success.
In all, it was a beautiful, meaningful, and exciting summer evening.
To read the Bar-Ilan University press release, go here. To see the Facebook album, go here.
A selection of pictures can be seen here.
Photo credit: Dror Miller
Last Updated Date : 29/07/2021