Medical Education Workshop for Clinical Teachers (1 of 5)

05/04/2021 - 18:00 - 16:00Add To Calendar 2021-04-05 16:00:26 2021-04-05 18:00:00 Medical Education Workshop for Clinical Teachers (1 of 5) Five Monday workshops for clinical teachers, led by Prof. Peter Gilbey: March 22 and April 5, 2021 - "The clinical teacher" April 12 and April 26, 2021 - "Optimal learning environment and setting clear educational goals" May 5 and May 24, 2021 - "Clinical teaching models" May 31 and June 14, 2021 - "Teaching professionalism and effective feedback" June 21 and June 28, 2021 - "Student evaluation in a clinical setting" zoom הפקולטה לרפואה Asia/Jerusalem public

Five Monday workshops for clinical teachers, led by Prof. Peter Gilbey:

March 22 and April 5, 2021 - "The clinical teacher"

April 12 and April 26, 2021 - "Optimal learning environment and setting clear educational goals"

May 5 and May 24, 2021 - "Clinical teaching models"

May 31 and June 14, 2021 - "Teaching professionalism and effective feedback"

June 21 and June 28, 2021 - "Student evaluation in a clinical setting"

medical education workshop

Last Updated Date : 03/03/2021