Dr. Nir Qvit

מרצה בכיר Senior Lecturer
Bar-Ilan Email
Fields of Interest

Identification of molecular modulators of protein-protein interaction using bioinformatics analysis, peptide and protein chemistry,and system-wide biological assays.

Academic field
Research field
Chemistry and Biology of Protein-Protein Interactions for Drug Discovery
Research Center
Bar-Ilan University Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Safed

    Dr. Kvit completed his PhD in organic chemistry at the Hebrew University, developing different strategies for the synthesis of small molecules and peptides, in solution and solid base, for various therapeutic applications.


    Protein-protein interactions represent a significant proportion of functionally relevant biological interactions, and therefore manipulating these interactions is an important therapeutic strategy. The main focus of the Qvit lab is the identification of molecular modulators of protein-protein interaction using bioinformatics analysis, peptide and protein chemistry, and system-wide biological assays. Our goal is the development of compounds capable of modulating protein complexes that will allow a better understanding of the role of specific protein-protein interactions in cells and will be a starting point for the development of therapeutic compounds.


    Medicinal Chemistry of Drug Discovery
    כימיה רפואית של גילוי תרופות


    Peptide therapeutics
    פפטידים ופיתוח תרופות


    Drug discovery and developments in developing countries
    גילוי ופיתוח תרופות במדינות מתפתחות


    Please see here.

    Last Updated Date : 09/02/2025