Inauguration of Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases


The Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee is continuing to establish a Galilee research network, integrating nine research centers that focus on specific subjects. This venture aims to strengthen the connection between the Faculty of Medicine and the hospitals, as well as foster research development and collaborations between doctors and researchers. Each of the research centers will serve as a platform for physician-researchers from hospitals and researchers at the Faculty to engage in joint research, professional conferences, submission of joint grant proposals, and continuous interaction that will contribute to the development of the dedicated fields.

The first center was inaugurated last March, dedicated to women's health research.

On Thursday, September 5, 2024, a special launch conference took place at the Faculty, to inaugurate the second center, the Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases.

Around 60 people participated in the conference – Faculty researchers and senior physicians from the northern region, all working in relevant fields.

The day began with greetings from Dean Prof. Orly Avni, Associate Dean for Academic Research Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, and Prof. Avi Peretz, Head of the Department of Academia, Innovation, and Research at the Galilee Medical Center in Poria.

Following the greetings, a session called "Researcher Identity Cards" was opened. Physicians, researchers, and graduate students at the Faculty presented their areas of interest and research to expose the participants to their specialties, and facilitate research connections and ideas for collaboration. After this session, lunch was served. Thanks to the conference, interesting collaborations for potential research were formed.

The center's activities will be led by Prof. Meital Gal-Tanamy, head of the Molecular Virology Laboratory at the Faculty and President of the Israeli Society for Microbiology, and Prof. Avi Peretz from the Galilee Medical Center in Poria.

A few photos from the launch can be seen here.

Last Updated Date : 16/09/2024